Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Elizabeth chap. 1.6--1850s

There is a feeling of unease in the south. The "Higher Law" address has caused a stir. From what I read in The Twinbrook Daily, I find myself agreeing with William Seward. He was simply saying that under the law of God, all men are free and equal. My own family could never afford slaves, but we never saw a need of them, either. Giving your own work to someone else is simply laziness...
That's right, speak the truth, Elizabeth!
The house is...bigger. I'm trying to work up to a victorian style house.
Wei's portrait is done! Great job there, Elizabeth.
It's time for Elias to go fishing because...
...well, he'll thank me later.
Elias: "I got a fish!" *wants to catch 5 more*
This face. It's almost like he knows somethings going on back home.
Elias: "Thank you for sendin' me out!"
Nathan grew up!
Elizabeth: "Boxing is fun. Say, 'box'."
Nathan: "Punchout!"
Elizabeth: "I will always remember this moment."
Amy can you not like it?
Amy: "Boring." *yawns*
Elizabeth: "You still paid me! May I use your water-closet?"
Amy Bull would have a bright blue bowl.
Nathan: "Grrr..."
Nathan: "Raaaggghh!!!"
Nathan: *coos*
It's time for Elias' birthday! This girl is Juliana Hudgins. I like her, she's cute & already wearing my cc.
Elizabeth: "Camptown ladies sing this song, Doo-dah! Doo-dah! Camptown race-track's five miles long, Oh, doo-dah day!"
Elias: "Lil' broturs ruin everything."
Juliana ran home.  :(
Elizabeth: "Amy, I'm pregnant!"
Amy: "This is so exciting since we're best friends and all!"
The growing up did not happen because I realized that his birthday wasn't actually until tomorrow. I don't like growing kids up early, so sorry, Elias!
Elizabeth: "I'm sorry I planned the party on the wrong day. I've been distracted lately because..."
"...I'm going to have another baby."
Elias: "Really, ma?"

Elizabeth: "I suppose I should tell him that my schooling involved mostly curtsies and silverware."
Elizabeth: "Try putting the two over the four, and moving the six over there. Cross out the nine. Now the problem is much easier!"

Awww, I love toddlers.

Sweet.  <3
Elias: *uses one of two interactions*
Baby time!
Wei: "I'll be right here."
Another boy....yay...oh well. Amos Carson is born with the slob and loner traits. I love loner babies.  :D
Elias: "Ma...I hate gon' all the way to the outhouse. Why don' we have a water-closet installed in the house?"
Elizabeth: "Have the necessary inside the house? That's unsanitary and it wouldn't work, Elias. We don't have the money."
Elias: *sigh*
Elias definitely deserved a cake after having that terrible party. He added the artistic trait (finally) to loner, loves the outdoors, and computer whiz.

Next time: Elias looks exactly like Warz Lordz!

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