Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Elizabeth chap. 1.4--1840s

It seems that the sun has had a negative effect on my complexion. Freckles have shown on my face, like they did when I was a little girl. I've worn a hat every day; it must be the harsher southern sun.
A-ha! You are shallow! You do have a flaw; it's nice to see you complain.  >:)
Elizabeth: "As if I should like that my face is turning so blotchy!"
Aww, but freckles are cute...
Elias is growing up!
He looks a lot like Wei, which is ok, I guess.
Yes! She finally got that 'style a child' wish.
She sat outside with Warz Lordz to eat.
Wei: "You like the theatre, so we should go sometime." 
Elizabeth: "Mmmhmm."  :)
Elizabeth: "Whoa. He may actually do this..."
Elias: "Haha..."
Elizabeth is definitely not the cook of the house. Too bad Warz Lordz has to work so much...
Speaking of, he went to work one day in his pajamas.  o_O
Elizabeth: *barfs*
Nah, we'll just wait until it soaks into the floor...

At this point I left my game. Before I was on again, I wanted to fix the 'missing texture', so I removed a bunch of chache files (got this tip from one of the forums).
Well...that was definitely not there when I left. Why does this happen? All I wanted to do was play a legacy without cheating.  :(  Also, for the time that I played after removing the caches, Elias was very...inactive. It's weird because my toddlers will usually play with toys and use the potty (if they are trained) without me telling them to.
Um, you're not doing anything...
Elias: *Your sims needs to go. Like, go.*
Ok, then. Use the potty chair!
Elias: "Baby crying?"
You're the only baby here, and you're not crying...
Elias: "You wan' me ta cry?"
Nooo. Just use the potty!
Yes! Now THAT is what it's supposed to look like. Even though those styles aren't really worn until the 1990s...
Elizabeth: "I...I can't believe what I'm drawing. Her midriff is showing! Why...? WHY?!"
You can see the future!
Wei: "When you're born, we'll feed you from bottles!"
Hmm...not that I really want it, but if they were thinking of adding breastfeeding to The Sims 3, Generations would have been the perfect EP.

Pictures of Elias...because I think he's cute. 
I could just drag the newspaper into the trashcan so that my heavily pregnant sim doesn't have to carry it all the way to the front of the lot. Yep, I could...
I think it's cute when the father wants to give a massage.
Elizabeth: "Ooohh. Elias, go get your father!"
Elias: *giggles*
Elizabeth: "Aagghh...I need a massage."
Wei: "Don't worry, I'll be right here."
Elizabeth: "Wei?!"
Hey, he still has to work and it's 2am already!
Elizabeth: "Yes! The baby's finally here!"
Elizabeth: "Let's take a look at you, baby boy."
Another boy?  :/
Nathan Carson.
Traits: brave and artistic.
Favorites: I don't remember ANY of them.

Next time: I may get rid of that extra money. And Elias grows up...again.

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