Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Elizabeth chap. 1.1--1840s

I am Elizabeth Carson, and I have just moved to the southern town of Twinbrook. I've always wanted to live on my own, and when I became a young adult, my parents agreed. Up north, I was able to sell a few of my paintings, but I feel as if I would only be known as "that girl Elizabeth, just a girl with some talent, but she'd never really make it". A fresh start is what I need, and now maybe people will take me seriously.
My parents aren't rich, but they insisted I have this plot of land that my grandparents used to farm. I suppose it wasn't very good farming land, though, as any traces of crops have disappeared. Now I am truly on my own...
Wow. The run-down bridge really makes the view.
Elizabeth: "Well, it's not ideal, but it will do."
Elizabeth's first want was to get a job as a stylist. Perfect, because that's what she was gonna get anyway.
Elizabeth: "I've seen a lot of red shoes around town, and I seriously think that needs fixing."
Of course Juan Darer took one look at Elizabeth's outfit and gave her the job right there.
First client: Tay Bayless.
Think he'll like it? I didn't care enough to get a shot of his reaction.
Ooooh this will make a nice spot for future weddings. 
I sent Elizabeth to the park to meet some people. She found Wei Keane and played some chess with him.
This lady looked on really jealously.
Lady: "But can you play chess with another woman?"
Elizabeth: "I really like art and painting."
Wei: "I'm really into business and technology."
Elizabeth: "You're so smart!"
Wei: "You're so creative!"
Elizabeth went to Anne's Bar and Inn for the night. I built this place as a hangout, not a bar, so she can stay all night.
So she ate.
And went to bed.
Isn't this just typical Sinbad?
Sinbad: *grumble* "That Goodwin..." *grumble*
Elizabeth: "Fixing things is so very entertaining."
Elizabeth gained a painting skill at the firehouse, which is also where she's been taking showers.
Whhaaat? Is Wei dancing with Marigold Racket?! That is so wrong...And she's glaring at you!
Elizabeth: "Nooo..."  :,(
Elizabeth: "Excuse me, um, you aren't married, are you?"
Wei: "No..."
 >:(  who's this lady getting in my shot?
Is that a Taurus? I don't remember, but they were compatible.
Awww isn't that cute...
Really? Another drink? Get out of the shot!
 Elizabeth: "If we're going to be seeing each other, you need a makeover."
Wei: "But...we aren't 'seeing' each other! This was a terrible time!"
 These people just moved in and they're wearing some of the cc! Well...uh...the little girl's outfit is actually pretty cute  :)
 Juan Darer loved his new outfit.
But Lolly Racket was not amused. Actually, she was pretty embarassed.

Next time: More makeovers and more fighting old women for Wei!

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