Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Elizabeth chap. 1.2--1840s

So I forgot last time to say that I am playing with the family traits option. The family trait is artistic, just because I wanted it to be a little easier to finish the portraits. Anyway, let's go, Elizabeth!

I have been working days and staying at Anne's Inn and Bar nights. Wei's house is on the same street as the inn, so one night I decided to visit. It didn't exactly go as planned...
Lang Gwydd? Stop having such a good time with Lang Gwydd!
Elizabeth: *wants to ask Lang's sign*
Lookit! Another handy sim! 
Elizabeth: "Not talking to him. I need sleep..."
Sooo yep. Still no house!
Sinbad: "Yes! The slight changes to my outfit look great!"
Elizabeth: "It's just a matter of cutting out what needs to go."
Oops. I did not mean to do that. I learned later that you can actually give someone a bad makeover on purpose! LOL
This time, Wei was home.
Anna-Liza: "Did you know that there are stars in the shape of a dipper?!"
Wei: *sigh* "Yes. I'm a genius!"
Wei: "What's that? You had to beg for your job after peeing in public?! HAHAHA..."  
Anna-Liza: "No! That was only a rumor!"
Elizabeth: "You know he doesn't like you, right?"
Wei: "You're here! Now I don't have to talk to horrible Anna-Liza anymore!"
Anna-Liza: *is still there*
Juuust missed their kiss.  :(
We meet again, Marigold Racket.
Elizabeth: "This is MY styling station."
Client: "Whoops, got a little dust there..."
Elizabeth: "If I don't see it, it didn't happen..."
This was weird; they all thought of Elizabeth as she was leaving.
Elizabeth: "Ok, people. It's not like I'm a weird space traveller or something."
Wei apparently didn't feel like hanging out, but Elizabeth found him anyway.
Elizabeth: "Sorry! I know you said you didn't want to see anyone..."
Wei: "It's ok! I was just thinking about you...
...and I really like you." 
Hey! Watch your hands, Mr. Keane!
Elizabeth: "Oh, don't be so protective."
Elizabeth: "So...we should go steady, shouldn't we?"
Wei: "Yes, definitely."
Elizabeth: "Then, well...I know I'm not supposed to be the one asking, but..."
Wei: "What are you doing?..."
Elizabeth: "I think we should get married." 
Wei: "I think so, too....
...right now."
Elizabeth: "Yes! I love you."
Wei: "I love you." 
That's how it works. Move in on Monday, married on Friday. Couldn't even wait for a wedding party.
Elizabeth: "Me and Wei love each other. We don't need a big wedding."
If you say so.

Next time: Finally, a house!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Elizabeth chap. 1.1--1840s

I am Elizabeth Carson, and I have just moved to the southern town of Twinbrook. I've always wanted to live on my own, and when I became a young adult, my parents agreed. Up north, I was able to sell a few of my paintings, but I feel as if I would only be known as "that girl Elizabeth, just a girl with some talent, but she'd never really make it". A fresh start is what I need, and now maybe people will take me seriously.
My parents aren't rich, but they insisted I have this plot of land that my grandparents used to farm. I suppose it wasn't very good farming land, though, as any traces of crops have disappeared. Now I am truly on my own...
Wow. The run-down bridge really makes the view.
Elizabeth: "Well, it's not ideal, but it will do."
Elizabeth's first want was to get a job as a stylist. Perfect, because that's what she was gonna get anyway.
Elizabeth: "I've seen a lot of red shoes around town, and I seriously think that needs fixing."
Of course Juan Darer took one look at Elizabeth's outfit and gave her the job right there.
First client: Tay Bayless.
Think he'll like it? I didn't care enough to get a shot of his reaction.
Ooooh this will make a nice spot for future weddings. 
I sent Elizabeth to the park to meet some people. She found Wei Keane and played some chess with him.
This lady looked on really jealously.
Lady: "But can you play chess with another woman?"
Elizabeth: "I really like art and painting."
Wei: "I'm really into business and technology."
Elizabeth: "You're so smart!"
Wei: "You're so creative!"
Elizabeth went to Anne's Bar and Inn for the night. I built this place as a hangout, not a bar, so she can stay all night.
So she ate.
And went to bed.
Isn't this just typical Sinbad?
Sinbad: *grumble* "That Goodwin..." *grumble*
Elizabeth: "Fixing things is so very entertaining."
Elizabeth gained a painting skill at the firehouse, which is also where she's been taking showers.
Whhaaat? Is Wei dancing with Marigold Racket?! That is so wrong...And she's glaring at you!
Elizabeth: "Nooo..."  :,(
Elizabeth: "Excuse me, um, you aren't married, are you?"
Wei: "No..."
 >:(  who's this lady getting in my shot?
Is that a Taurus? I don't remember, but they were compatible.
Awww isn't that cute...
Really? Another drink? Get out of the shot!
 Elizabeth: "If we're going to be seeing each other, you need a makeover."
Wei: "But...we aren't 'seeing' each other! This was a terrible time!"
 These people just moved in and they're wearing some of the cc! Well...uh...the little girl's outfit is actually pretty cute  :)
 Juan Darer loved his new outfit.
But Lolly Racket was not amused. Actually, she was pretty embarassed.

Next time: More makeovers and more fighting old women for Wei!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Lillian Mint chap. 13--Wrap it up, already!

Just a little chapter to basically say I really liked this challenge  :D
Also, I have realised that Lillian #1 is quite scared of rocket ships.

Which is tough for her, since she's at level eight in the military career and at level ten she'll be an astronaut.  XD
Anyways, this challenge was really fun and it was cool to see how different the two Lillian's became.

I have put Lillian on the exchange if anyone's interested...url to my page in the 'About Me'. -->