Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Jasper chap. 2.9--1870s

Taking care of twin toddlers is much harder this time. Or maybe it just seems that way since Lolly and I are older.
In any case, Daisy and Violet are often grumpy toddlers, even when it seems as though they don't need anything...
 Ohmigosh cutest grumpy face ever!
Violet: "Mama fed meh."  :[
 So does it feel to nearly win heirship?
Daisy: "War's ma baba?"
You already drank your bottle, don't give me that face.
 Jasper: "Just. Say. Bell."
Daisy: "Bells!"
 Daisy: "'N MONIE!"
 Violet: "FILM!"
Once again, Cora is invited to Christopher's house.
Cora: "So...what's your sign?"
 Compatible signs! You know what? Seems like every time they ask this, the signs are compatible.  :/  I have lost faith in you, compatible signs.

Christopher: "Why're ya lookin' at me like that?"
 Cora: "Just 'cause I like you."
 Christopher: "I don't know about this, Cora. Doesn't your sister like me? I don't want ta come between you two."
 Cora: "...could ya spare a couple simoleons? I need to, uh, pay for the carriage ride home."
Jasper: " that Ma?"
You are exhausted Jasper, just go to bed now.
 Daisy: "I need 'ttention."
Ah, the start of another sim day with toddlers.
 Grant...who is this? Why is she here?
Grant: "Well, y'know since Mel grew up I've had ta make other friends at school."
Her jacket is way too small.
 Grant: *calls Mel*
Face-one: "Being ignored is so entertaining!"
 Then she went up to Grant's bedroom to play with the toy chest that's still in there.
 YAY dirty pile of clothes.
 Daisy: "Pawpaw, I used the nece'sary!"
Jasper: "I see."
*suspicious puddles*
Jasper: "Would you like to learn to walk now?"
Daisy: "Yes! Then I'll learn ta fly!"
Teaching skills in the middle of puddles and dirty laundry. I have no problem with this.
 Violet: "Hmmm..."
 Violet: *pokes eye*
Hey! Stop that! *sigh* If you were virtuoso you would know better.
 Face-one: "I have to leave now!" *runs*
Lolly: "The sink's broken."
I know, I know, Lolly. If Jasper hadn't stayed up until 5am with Daisy and Violet it would have already been fixed.
 Minnie: "Homeworkhomeworkhomework..."
Why are you going to do your homework in the bathroom? And Grant...but she...homework...OH BOY!
 Grant: "Why is she...? Now I'm uncomfortable."
 Grant: "My bath is over."
Minnie: "Just stay still."
 Grant: "HAHA you're scarred for life."
Minnie: "GRANT! Couldn't you stay in the tub?!"
 Minnie: "Did that really just happen?"
I'm going to just blame the fact that all the teens stay up until around 2am and then come home from school exhausted.
 Grant: "Art!"
 Violet: "No."
Grant: "You can do this...imagine you' monkey!"
Do 'monkeys' really walk on two legs--
Violet: "Oooh oooh!" *giggles*
 Cora! It's a teen boy! Go!
 Cora: "Jeffrey Castor is blocking my way! Why are you standing in an alley?"
Teen boy: "I was having a good time."
 Cora introduced herself to Edmund...
Cora: "...and you probably know who my pa is 'cause he's a famous writer!"
Edmund: *nods*
 Oh...that must be for Edmund.
 Police officer: "You come with me, Miss Cora! Have a nice day, Edmund!"
Edmund: "I think I'll just pass out here, thanks!"
 Jasper, Daisy needs you.
Jasper: "I'm waiting."
Waiting for what?
Jasper: "For my daughter to get out of the police carriage."  >:[
 Cora: "You aren't mad, Pa?"
 Cora: "He's not mad, right?"
He doesn't really have a choice right now.
Jasper: "Do you know what time it is, Cora? You were out with a boy again, weren't you?!"
Cora: "Would it help if I said it might have been love at first sight?"
Jasper: "Get in the house now!"

Jasper: "I can be mean when I have to."
Paparazzi: "Headline!"

I'll leave you with cute pictures of Grant with his favorite sister, Violet:

Next time: It will be the last chapter of Jasper's generation. All the kids will be growing up!

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