Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Jasper chap. 2.10--1870s

Ohmigosh ohmigosh I found out today that there will be a create-a-pet demo! It will be released Thursday!  :D  Anyway, carry on.

After she was brought home by the police officer, I've been trying to keep a closer eye on Cora. Fortunately she hasn't been out at night since. She's only been out during the daytime, but she's been spending this time with boys. I suppose it can't be helped. But she has shown particular interest in the boy she met that night, Edmund Simpson...
 Dave Simpson: "But...you two are just kids! You should be playing with toy bears 'r somethin'."
 Mary Simpson: "Oh just leave 'em be, Dave."
 Scarlett was also at the park with her and Ezio's oldest, Arron.
 And their daughter was across the street. She looks kind of angry, but I love her name, Keely!
 Cora: "So...what's your sign?"
 Compatible, again.
Mary: "Hmm...my husband."
 Mary & Dave: *kiss*
Cora & Edmund: *awkward*
 Huh. Did he just get a memory from his wife kissing him, as if she's never kissed him before? Or this was the first time she kissed him in a park? But she didn't get a memory...?
 Anyways, back home Grant is growing up! You look very short here, Grant.
 Grant:  O_O  "I look the same."
Wait for it...
Taller! Grant's final traits are artistic, good, brave, hopeless romantic, and angler. His LTW is to be a Firefighter Super Hero. I thought that was perfect since he's already fought one fire before.
 And now we've got the last skill for the toddlers, so they get to grow up a day early. This is actually where I was in-game when I decided to hold the heir poll.

 Cakes!  :D
 Grant: "Yeah Violet!"

 Daisy grows up with the perceptive trait.
Daisy: "Durrr..."

 Violet grows up with the athletic trait.
Violet: "Wheee..."  :D
 Cora: "Why does Grant always block the food?!!"

   I don't know if Lolly would like you guys eating in the living room parlor.
Cora: "Don't tell her, then."
 Daisy: "Violet took Grandma's bed. I wanted to sleep here!"
It's a double bed, I mean you could share.
Daisy: "Naw she'd probably hog the covers!"
 The next day, the game counted it as Daisy's first day of school, but not Violet's. Maybe because with the slow birthday cake Violet aged up like two hours later than Daisy? Hmm that could be it.  DX
 Aaaand Minnie was invited to Jerry Curious' house. Clearly Tay Bayless is the father. He really can't hide his genes lol.
 And he's evil. I will not tolerate evil thoughts of my heir, Jerry! Run, Minnie!
 And since there are apparently no firefighters in town, Grant took over the fire station. You can stop standing in the corner now, Grant.
 Grant: "That was easy."
The truck was 99% maintained, so yeah that 1% was easy.

Grant: "Do you sense that? I feel like someone...something is watching me."
Grant, this place is deserted. You're the only one here.
Grant: "Exactly! It's quiet...too quiet."
 Minnie: "Hello, I'm Minnie Carson. Nice ta meet you!"
Arron: "I'm Arron O'Hara."
 Arron: "Waiiit...I know what your simmer is thinking, but it won't work. I've been a young adult for a while now, and you're still a teenager."
 Minnie: "I kinda' just wanted to make Christopher jealous. Could ya play along?"
Scarlett: *stares*
 Cora: "What? It's not like alcohol is illegal or anythin'."
Scarlett: *stares*
Aww Grant looks so happy for his first day of work.
Grant: "Since I was the first firefighter, that makes me the firechief!"
Oook so that's how it works.
That teenage face one from last chapter is now grown and working here.
Janel Larue (she's related to the face one that freaked at Lolly at the restaurant): "Graaaant."
Lucy Fern is also here.
Lucy: "Mmm I'd like a piece of that."
Mary: "I can't get to Grant! There are things in my way, assistance please!"
Lucy: "I can't move either! It's her husband; he's in the way!!"
You guys are being ridiculous; he's all the way in the other room.
Mary: "So you're not going to do anything about this?"
There's nothing to do, you guys are just trying to get out of work.  >:I
And apparently Dave is just a firefighter for show, seeing as he went home early and called about a fire on his lot later that day.
Lolly: "Hello Caroline!"  :D
Caroline: "Err...I'm gonna have to ask you to stop talking to me. You see, I have three stars; I can't be seen with someone who has two stars like you." *won't make eye contact*
Well isn't that cute; there's nowhere to sit in the park, not even the picnic tables.
Jasper: "It's kind of hard to concentrate while sitting on the hard ground." *erases*
Randolph Pincher, another boy to come home with Cora.
Oh I've been so distracted with everyone else I didn't realize you two were home.
Violet: "We are just going to be ignored the rest of this generation, aren't we?"
Well Daisy was second-in-line for heir so I'm planning on keeping her around for a while.
Violet: "So it's just me who'll be ignored then?"
Wow Mel, that's a really cute outfit and everything matches and that hair actually looks good on you!
Enough of that, this is much better, right?
Mel: "I have mixed feelings about this."
Mel: "Grant! C'mere sweetie!"
Grant: "Hey did you know that your sweetie is a firefighter now? And not only that, I'm the firechief!"
Mel: *gasp* "Reeaaally?!" *stares at muscles*
Look at that, Lolly gets the pink outfit now.  :)
Daisy: "Papa, will you play catch with me?"
Jasper: "Are you sure you want to play catch? Maybe we could have a game of chess or-"
Daisy: "But Papa! I want to learn how to throw a football!"
Lolly: "Now Daisy, be nice, ya know your father's not athletic. Jasper, go play catch with Daisy."
He got in a throw that wasn't the super girly one.  :D
Mary: "Grant! Grab the hose! Go go go!!"
Mary: "I'm sure the chief can handle this one himself."
Firefighters: *stand around*
He got a promotion for it!
Grant: "This place is burnt and smoky. I'd like to be somewhere without fire now."
Lolly was accused of being in jail! I know she's a Racket, but she wasn't in jail, so she went to sue.

And then finished an opportunity that she's had for a looong time.
That's a cute(?) cat(?) Jasper.
Jasper and Lolly are going to have a nice dinner at the bistro.
Lolly: "There's no way I'm sittin' in that chair."
Just sit down Lolly. This will be a nice dinner!
Lolly: "Fine."
Jasper: "So I was thinking we have some money saved up; we could make some expansions on the house if you want. Expand on the parlor and kitchen, maybe even add a dining room."
Penny Pincher: "Could the couple use some company?"
Penny Pincher: "How'm I supposed ta sit down if there ain't a chair?!"
No one invited you, Penny. They even sat on the less crowded side of the bistro, so go away.
Jasper: "You're pretty quiet today, Lolly. Everything alright?"
Lolly: "Jasper...how d'you think my family made it's money? My father always said I'd learn 'in due time', but he never told me outright."
Jasper: "Is this about the town accusing you of being in jail?"
Lolly: "I mean...why would the town think that? I know my family didn't earn it from something like writing, like you, but could it be that bad?"
Jasper: "I don't know, Loll, but it's alright. You and I and our children know that you've done nothing wrong." *brightens day*
Randolph Pincher: "Ya'll's celebrities, aren't cha?"
Lolly: "Huh?"
Lolly: "Jasper, could you get rid of him?"
Jasper: "We'd really like you to leave, Pincher. Now."
Randolph: "Hymph. Who likes ya'll anyway?"
Jasper & Lolly: *hugs*
Another guy to come home with Cora. His name is Matthew Delaney.
He was actually a kid only one or two days ago, so Violet knows him from school.
Violet: "Hey Matthew! How's your bug collec-"
But of course, Cora has to interrupt them with her birthday.
Cora: "Oooh I'm really tall!"

What are you wearing? That looks like two pairs of underwear...?
Cora: "You're just jealous I look so good."
Now, because I insist on having my twins the same age (strange concept, eh?), Minnie gets a cake. And I'll point out that while Minnie has aged up earlier than I would like, it is still after she's gotten the popup that her birthday is coming soon, so no rule breakage.
Minnie: "Cora's reading?"
Jasper: "What is she doing with that book?"
Cora: "What? I can be popular AND smart."
Minnie: "I spun around, but I'm not any different?"
Wait for it...
Yeah! And we have our heir!  :D  Minnie grew up with the neurotic trait. This was added to her artistic, easily impressed, never nude, and workaholic (that's the one I forgot to say last chapter) traits. Her LTW is to be a  Home Design Hotshot. I was going to pick Golden Tongue/Golden Fingers, but Elizabeth and Jasper have had skill gaining LTWs, and I thought she should have a work related one since she is workaholic.
Violet: "Am I the only one that notices the stove catching on fire?"
Lolly: "Now if we're going to make expansions, we really should be more careful with our money. I've got to start clipping coupons..."
Cora! You're brave, get to it!
Cora: "But this is really Ma's fault..."
Lolly: "OH DEAR LORD howdidthishappen?!!"
I forgot you were cooking You just left it there to watch Minnie at the cake.
Minnie: "I'm not letting this interrupt my cake."
Cora: "Well, it doesn't appear to have caused any lasting damage."
Matthew: "It's smoky in here and there are dirty dishes everywhere. I'm going to do my homework."
Where was Grant during all this? On a date with Mel.  :)
Grant: "That guy is watching us. It's creepy."
Mel: "Just...don't make eye contact. Look at me."
Grant: "I love you, Mel."
Grant: "I want to ask you something that I've been waiting to ask since we were teen-aged."
Mel: "Grant, you have to speak up, I can't hear you."
Grant: "Will you be my wife?"
Mel: *gasp* "Yes!"
Grant: "I'm so happy."
Mel: "Aw, I'm happy too."
Cora: "Where were you?"
Grant: "I was out with Mel."
Cora: "Hymph."
Grant: "Did I miss something?"

Matthew: "There isn't any place to do my homework in this yard!"
Matthew, it's 4am. You're free to go home any time.

Next time: A new heir, a new decade!

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