Friday, September 2, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Jasper chap. 2.7--1870s

Google chrome: "You're awesome!"
Why, thank you google chrome. The new blogger layout wasn't working with explorer, so I got google chrome. I don't know yet if I'll use it outside of blogspot...
 Minnie: "We're all artistic and creative!"
 Jasper: "Yeah, none of us are very athletic, though. Not good at exercise...exercise."
Ok, we get it, Minnie is a little chubby. Don't have to throw it in her face.
 Since there aren't any babies in the house, Lolly and I have had a lot more time together...
 Lately she's been sick, though. So sick that sometimes she bolts for the outhouse even if it's the middle of the night!
It's cute how clueless you are, Jasper. You don't even suspect that--
Suspect? Suspect what?
Nothing, nothing.
 Aren't you just cute, wearing your clothes in the bathtub.
Minnie: "You do know there's a window right there?"
Why is this picture such crap quality?
 Grant: "Do ya ever get the feeling that yer being other humans?"
 Grant's permanent "hunted" moodlet aside, there were actually vampires across the street.
 Christopher: "A celebrity is coming over to my house!"
Minnie: "Why didn't he invite me over?"
 Grant: "Do you see any strange, possibly undead people in here?"
No, I just see your regular neighbors. And you, acting like they are going to eat you.
 Mel: "Is that Grant?"
 Grant: "I didn't know you would be here today, Mel."  :)
Mel: "Did you know that you're a CELEBRITY?!"
 I don't know if you're supposed to stand close to the edge like that...
Elder Nathan: *gasp*
Elizabeth: "What is it?"
 Elizabeth: "Julienne?"
Emerald Greenwood: *is in the background, uncaring*

 Elizabeth: "I'M HUNGRY!"
Nathan: "Is there an outhouse nearby?"
Julienne just died, it's not about you two right now!
 Faye: "Why do I suddenly feel sad about my mom?"
 Faye: "Do I need to smack someone? Because I will."
 Minnie: "Butterflies? I don't know about this..."
You're the one who wants to catch a bug.
 Minnie: "Did I catch it?"
 Minnie: "I couldn't catch any."  :(
Oh well, I tried...once. Let's move on.
 Grant: "All maestros have to do is wave their arms around like this! It's not so hard."
Mel: "I don't know if that's all--"
 Grant: "You're pretty!"
Chase: "Prolly gonna have ta cook fer my brother again...mmm fried chicken."
 Mel: "You're sweet." *hugs*
 Lolly: "So's a good thing we haven't put the baby toys away yet..."
Grant: "What are they talking about?"
 Lolly: "Jasper, we're gonna have another baby!"
Grant: "Wait...I'm old enough to take care of babies."  D:
 Jasper: "Loll, this is great news! I kinda hope it's not twins again, though."
 Grant: "So Pa uh...I hope you don't think that just because I'm a teen that I should be helping with babies and stuff. School already makes me so tired and I really don't want ta help with ya'll's babies."
 Cora: "Ma and Pa are in love!"
Minnie: "I know! It's so cute."
 Elizabeth: "You're looking bigger than usual."
Ever notice that Elizabeth and Lolly don't interact with each other? Probably not, but I looked at their relationship and found that they dislike each other.
 Christopher came home with Minnie! I think she likes him.
 Lolly: "Jasper? Jasper come here!"
 Jasper: "What is it?"
 Lolly: "Er...the baby's coming."
 Lolly: "Should I answer it? No, I'm gonna have ta let that one go."
 They rushed off to the hospital.
Lolly: "Jasper, you'd had better come in with me this time, or we won't be doing anything that could cause more babies for a long time!"
 Jasper: "Does she really mean that?!"
 Better safe than sorry.  XD
Grant: "I really like you."
Mel: "What was that? I couldn't quite hear you."
 Grant: "I said-" *gulp* "I said I really like you."
 Mel: "I really like you, too!"
 Grant: "Ya do?"
Mel: "I surely do."
 Grant: "Then...
 ...would ya like ta go steady with me?"
Mel: "Yeah, that sounds great!"
 The baby babies are born! This is Daisy, born with the artistic and loves the outdoors traits.
 This is Violet, born with the artistic and absent-minded traits. Jasper looks tired already.
Poor Faye. Nathan died the day after Julienne did. Hear that, Elizabeth? Your son died of old age before you did!
 Elizabeth: "Am I that old? I need a nap."
 Elizabeth: "Whoa...this is going to be a really long nap, isn't it?"
 Minnie: "Grandma? Why do you look so..."
 Minnie: "You're dying, aren't you?!" *cries*
 Jasper: "Minnie? I heard you crying in"
 Lolly: "What's going on?"
 Grant: "I was going to bed, but why is everybody out here...?"
 Elizabeth: "It's really crowded in here."
Elizabeth & Grim: *move across the room*
 Elizabeth: "Well, I can't complain. You've let me live a long time, and I've probably met the next heir in one of these grandchildren. Thank you, Grim. Hug?"
Grim: "Do you know how many sims I see die every day? I don't really know you, and probably just forgot that you were supposed to die a long time ago! Get in the ground!"
 WHERE IS HER GRAVE!!!! If I have to play this over--
 Oh phew, it just hadn't appeared yet. I seriously had a freakout there thinking that her grave wouldn't appear.
 Grim: *gasp* "Lolly Carson? The celebrity?!"
Lolly: "Why are you going into our house?"
 Grim: "Because it's dirty! You people need to clean up more often."

Well, then. My founder has died. Kinda sad, but it was really about time; she was 132 days old. On a lighter note, I redecorated...
...and Cora's rooms.

Next time: A funeral, and all the twins grow up!

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