Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Minnie chap. 3.1--1880s

My name's Minnie Carson. As the oldest daughter, I try to set an example for Daisy and Violet, seeing as Cora doesn't intend to. She's always been very outgoing, so I guess next to her I seem especially quiet. Maybe that's why all the boys came home with her; she was certainly never too reserved to ask them! Maybe that's why they invited her over in return, and the only boy who ever asked me over was Jerry Curious. Ugh! When I was a teenager, I thought I would marry and everything would be set for me, but I've learned that there is more to life. Now, as a grown woman, I want to make my own way. Being an architect may not be easy, but I'm willing to work for it.

Sometimes I overwork and my neurotic tendencies can make me distressed, so I have taken up the piano in my spare time. I'm not good at it, but the excitement of learning something new that doesn't have a deadline is soothing.

Minnie: "I'm the new heiress."  :D
Minnie kept smiling in the middle of me changing her hair. It was so cute, this is a good sign.
This is one of my so-called "neurotic tendencies". After all the fires we've had, can you really blame me? I had to make sure the sink was working properly in case of another emergency.
Cora: "I know, Edmund! School is so boring! You should just drop out, like I wanted to!"
Minnie: "I know I'm in your way, don't be mad."
Cora: "It's fine, Minnie. Don't be so sensitive."
*change of scenery*
Cora: "Would ya like to go to the Red Rendezvous with me?"
Minnie: "Really? Yeah, let's go!"
Jasper: "I don't like this...
...I...hate this."
Aww Jasper's an elder.
Apparently not much happened at the bar because I only have this picture of Jerry Curious taking a pic of Cora and...
...this picture of Lucy Fern's daughter, Daphne Fern.
Then I saw Davin Jones-Brown at the bistro and Cora had to introduce herself. But first she had to hold the artistic animation for about half an hour.
Cora: "Hold still, I think Minnie would like you and I have to remember every detail to describe you."
Davin: "I've been holding for ten minutes!"
Cora: "...I don't have very good memory."
Penny Pincher: "I have no problem with crime."
Every time there's a protest, I feel like I have to take a picture. It's an event.  :P
    I really really don't know why there's still a stinky toddler toilet. Daisy and Violet are almost teenagers.
Now that I'm grown, I've decided to take control of my weight. It may not be the most fun thing, but exercise does take my mind off of my worries, much like playing the piano does.
Oooh she fell down, and right in front of Davin! That is not fun.
Isn't this cute? I got it from the store when the new Halloween set came out.
Violet: "Yeee-hawww!!"
Daisy tried it out, too. It looks better in the dark with those glowing eyes.  :O

*back at the gym*
O_O  Minnie looks amazing. Not that she didn't look great with a little more weight, but wow.
 Minnie: "Mr. Jones-Brown? Could you come down here, I'd like to meet ya!"
Newfound confidence, I think.
 Renee William-Brown: *stares*
 That hair always makes their actual features questionable. He looks good, from what I can see.
 Magdalena Jones-Brown: "You'd better be nice to Davin, or...or else!"
Minnie: " are you seeing anyone?"
Davin: "Not at the moment, haha."
 Elizabeth was actually the first one to try out the new piano. I  <3  her.
Violet: "The necessary is clogged!"
 Violet: "So, um, did anyone see the necessary? I just walked in 'n it was already clogged!...yeah."
Daisy: "My perceptive abilities tell me she's lying."
 Well, no time for the necessary now. It's Sunday and Daisy has one of those free game opportunities so everyone is going to go spend the day at the stadium. As soon as Lolly gets through clipping coupons.
Grant: "Got it, Daisy?" *stumbles*
Twinbrook's fire chief, people.
 Anyway, here we are at the stadium.
Lolly: "What happened to that man?"
Bubba Whelohff: "Mrs. Simpson bored him to sleep."

Mary Simpson: "My son is amazing!"
You know how last chapter I was saying that Mary Simpson is Grant's co-worker? Well she's not. Grant's co-worker is Maggie Funk, but they do look alike, right? I think they do.

Minnie: "This guy is giving me the creeps...can I leave?"
Ok, I guess I don't really care if you spend a bonding day with your family watching simball or not.

Daphne: "Boo! Jasper Carson is gross! 'N didn't he git in a fight with a random stranger?!! Boo!!"
No, no he didn't. Waaaiiit are you talking about Randolph Pincher? That wasn't even a fight. He was falsely accused, I tell you!
Minnie left and got her job in the architectural career, which is good because she needs to get started since the game decided to take four days from her life.  D:  It thinks she's as old as Grant.
Oooh do I see Davin over there? Go talk to him, Minnie!
Minnie: "I was already heading over."  :)
Cora: "You look rather devious. I think you shall be my little protege."
Daphne: "Pro-ta...what did ya say?"
Bubba: "Your sister Cora"
Violet:  -_-
Cora: "First thing you'll need is a makeover. I've found that boys really respond to aqua..."
Daphne: "I LIKE PINK!"
Cora: "...I guess we can work that in."
Yay for actually using the grocery store! Lolly used her coupon and bought cakes because it's Daisy and Violet's birthday!

Grant was at the fire station after the game because even though it's his day off, he wanted to maintain one of the alarms.

Daisy: "I feel kinda' tingly..."
Daisy, no! Lolly has cakes, wait for the cakes!

Daisy: "Too late..."
Daisy: "Does this mean I won't get cake?"
Violet will share with you, I'm sure.
Daisy: "If she doesn't, I'll just 'borrow' some."
Daisy got the kleptomaniac trait.
Lolly: "Congratulations, Daisy. Now I must use the necessary."
Moms announcing when they're going to use the bathroom. It feels just like home!
Time for Violet's cake.
Violet: "Just wait! I'll be amazing and you won't ignore me!"
Violet: "Can everyone back up please?!"
Aww loner teen angst. Yeah, Violet got the loner trait. And the ignoring starts now because, except for Jasper, all the kids of last generation were loner and I'm bored of that.
Grant took so long to maintain those fire alarms (or was it just one?) that he got home right after Violet grew up.
Grant: "Violet looks different. Her hair! There's something different with her hair."
Actually, she just grew up and you missed it.
Grant: "Yay for her!"
Minnie: "Do you feel the presence of any--"
Undead creatures of the night? No, Minnie, I don't. Now this is just ridiculous. There aren't any vampires in the house, not even vampire paparazzi! Is this because Lolly used to be a vampire? Anyway, I couldn't take it anymore, so I ctrl+clicked the moodlet off of Minnie, Daisy, Violet, and even Grant. Cora didn't have it LUCKY HER.
Lolly & Minnie: "Jasper is in the way!"
You two stood there for about fifteen minutes, "grab a plate" in your queue. Don't blame Jasper for actually doing what I tell him to!
Cora: "Jasper took a piece of cake when we were clearly ahead of him in line!"
There is still plenty of cake.
Grant: "Worms 'r gonna die!"  :D
Grant: "I'm sorry I wasn't here for your birthday, Violet. I just got caught up at the station..."
Violet: "It's alright, Grant."
Daisy: "Gloves! Just what I need."  >:)
Violet: "This outfit is highly inappropriate. Am I supposed ta wear this around town?"
That's your bathing suit, it's fine.
Violet: "Oh! Alright, then."

Next time: Minnie starts her job! And...I don't know. For once, I haven't actually played very far ahead. Not enough for the next chapter, anyway. I'm gonna watch some Horrible Histories to prepare.