Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lillian Mint chap. 3--Moving slowly along

 Doppelganger tiiiime!
Lillian: "Bugs are disgusting and scary! If I saw any, I would Hulk-smash them!"

Lillian #1: Week 2, days 6-7; week 3, day 1
Lillian: "Ohmigosh did you hear about that guy who got drunk from soda?!!"
Billy: "Yeah I heard he paints when he's drunk!"
Paparazzie: "Hmmm isn't that local one-star celebrity Lillian Mint?"
Paparazzi: "She and Billy Caspian have been seen together a lot lately...and is that a baby bump I see?! She's dressed pretty skanky for a pregnant woman!!!"
Billy: "Ummm I'm gonna go now."
Lillian: "What?! That isn't true! I'm not pregnant! I'll have you know I work out all the time! It's muscle!!"
Hey, look! Lillian #2 is just getting off work!
Lillian: "I've been so tired lately, Billy. My new job is soo stressful."
Billy: "Maybe you need a massage heheh."
Lillian: "Are you kidding me? Have you been listening at all?! I need sleep!!"
Billy: "Alright calm down!"
Lillian: "C'mon little peppers you'll be much happier with me."
Ha look at them!
It's pretty cute that both Lillians ended up wanting dartboards.

Lillian #2: Week 2 days 2-4
Lillian meets Lana!
And there's Robbie in the background!
Lillian: "That girl was kind of scary. Are you sure her skin is natural? I'm freaked out!"
As Lillian was going to work, I spotted Derek and Cassie.
They went to the museum.
Derek: "I thought art meant painting! There aren't any paintbrushes in here!"
Cassie: "It's art, ok!"
Lillian: "No, Don, I don't have a computer. No, I don't really need one."
Hal Breckinridge: "I just love a healthy diet of carrots, broccholi, and meat. Lot's of meat!"
Lillian: "I think we may have a problem..."
Hal: "Wow have you seen all the flies in here? You're place is a little gross..."
Lillian: "I don't see any hehe."

Next time: story pregression kicks in!!!

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