Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lillian Mint chap. 8--Forgetful

I forget a lot of things this chapter! Sooo let's go!!!

Lillian #1: Week 6, days 1-3
Hmmmm....was she refining her writing skill? Or writing a book? I DON'T REMEMBER! Let's just move on to the Creepers...

I think this is Audio's girlfriend. I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure.
Pilot: "I feel compelled to think of you. I want to have a higher relationship with you. I don't like it."
He's on to you, Lillian!
Lillian: "I feel bad doing that, but his mood swings are annoying! It's like: he loves me, he loves me not."  :(
Lillian: "Do you like me now?"
Lillian: "You're really athletic. I like that."  <3
Lillian: "UM...SO...UH...."
Pilot: "Yes."
Pilot: "I like you."  <3
Lillian: "Really? Oh, Pilot!"
Audio: "Do they know I'm still in the room?"
Audio: "Hey, you know it's like, 4am, right? Why are you still out?"
Lillian: "Why do you hate me?"
Lillian: "I'm sorry, Audio. Me and Pilot lost track of time I guess."
Audio: "You do know he likes orange, right? It would never work between you!"
Lillian: "I really don't think that's an issue..."
I noticed she has a vampire gnome! I named her Grunhilda.
Partygoer: "This party has been sooo boring since you got here."
Lillian: "I've only been here five minutes! Am I that bad?"
Don't worry, she's just a cranky old lady. Meadow always invites her to parties--I'm pretty sure she's the same lady who freaked out at Lillian #2 in chap. 6. Wait, is she Audio's girlfriend? Looks a lot like her!
Lillian #2 is also here!
Lillian #2: "Why does that person look like me except with a weird choker neclace??"
Lillian: "Meadow, you come up with the best experiments in the lab! I especially liked it when you threw that stinkbomb at Aiden!"
Meadow: "LOL he smelled like a skunk for weeks!"
Lillian: "Wow you must really like this have like ten copies of it in the house."

Lillian #2: Week 6, days 4-6

Lillian #2's side gets a lot more pics again. Sorry Lillian #1!
Baby weight, Liza?
Liza: "Hey! I'd like to see you pop out a baby in three days!"
Alright, I was just kidding. Still looking good!
Whoa those are some pretty sweet moves, Virgil.
Virgil: "Yes! I am awesome."
Whaaaatt?? You may actually want to work on the drinks now.
Virgil: "Whatever. I got my want."
Lillian: "Is this still going on? I hate both of you!"
Brendan! Don't put the baby on the floor!!!
Cori: "It's my birthday, too!!"
Brendan: "It's your adult birthday. No one cares."
Micah: "I've been working out!"
Ewww, yes you have.
Look at her makeover!
Ohmigosh he is soo cute! BTW, that's the hair he grew up with, and I didn't care enough to change it  :P
Lillian: "Hey Don."  -_-  *picks nose*
Lillian: "The toilet broke!"
Flippin' cute. Oh, I put the skill toys back in the house for you!
What? You want me to have it? No keep it, you are just too cute playing with it  ^_^
Virgil: "Oh, you're going to change his diaper?"
Micah: "Yep I was going to."
Virgil: "Oh. I was going to..."
Micah beat you to it!
Liza: "Hal!!!"
Liza: "Marry me?"
Hal: "Woot! Yes!"

Liza: "We should get married right now."
Hal: "I'm not so sure about this..."
Liza: "Oh Hal, you're so cute with your indecision." *learns he has commitment issues*
Awww Liza wanted to get married.
Lillian: "Grrr...I saw what happened over there on the deck..."

I feel like I should explain about Liza and Hal. I assume story progression put Lillian and Virgil together because they're both vegetarians. Liza and Hal don't have any similar traits, so I'm thinking that it's because they are both in the law enforcement career track. They're actually partners at work.
Don't be jealous, Lillian. Virgil is actually a pretty nice guy, and you guys are very happy together. Hal, on the other hand, has the lifetime goal of being a heartbreaker.
Hal: "Hey...maybe we can get together after I break your stepdaughters heart!"
Aww that is so cute! You love your grandson.
Virgil: "He's not so bad. Then again..." *minus 10 from mood*
Virgil: "Hey I can bartend now! You should take a picture!"
I did.
Lillian: "Glad I ordered before he got to the bar!"
Virgil: "What'll it be, Cori? A spline reticulator? A KTHXBAI?"
Cori: "NO!! Just onion rings."
Virgil: "Got it. Have you noticed how good I look behind a bar?"
Cori's got the moves!
Virgil: "Arrggh. Tired! Leaving!"
Cori: "Look, Lillian! I can dance good!!!!"
Lillian: "I am jealous..."
Cori: "That's right. I am hot."
Tab mode: "Your pictures should look like a funhouse!"
After I've been playing a while, tab mode has this funhouse effect. Annoying! Now I have to try to get good pics in regular live mode...
Looks pretty good...anyway...
Hal & Liza: "It's private time for mommy and daddy! Leave!"
Virgil: " hugs...
...unless I give YOU one."
I have not given Hal a makeover, and I don't plan to. So what is he wearing this for? Even different hair...was he undercover at work?
I bought them a hottub because...someone wanted it! I don't remember who!
Neighbor: "You're flirty? How dare you!"
Hal: "You're not flirty? Boooorinnng!"
Tab mode: "Awesome picture!!!"  >:)

Lookit! Charlene grew up!
Brendan: "I so want to move in with you!" *gazes longingly*
It's true. He sometimes gets the wish to move in with her. Why haven't I done that yet? Hmmm...

Next time: Lillian #1 has enough money for stuff! And will Brendan get his wish?

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