Monday, August 22, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Jasper chap. 2.5--1860s

Lookit! I actually do have a good picture of Grant. As you can see, he looks just like Lolly. I think I took this picture because I was trying to figure out whose color eyes he got. I can't tell. Anyway, carry on, Jasper...
The war is over. It has been a year since General Lee surrendered, and the troops, or what's left of them, are returning. Many families in town are left without a father and husband, but Thomas Castor is young; he was able to return without major injuries. Caroline is especially glad to see him.
Caroline: "I've missed you so much, Thomas."
Thomas: "You know I missed you."
Caroline: "There's something you promised me before you left..."
Thomas: "I remember..." *smooches*
Thomas: "Caroline Carson, will you marry me?"
Caroline: "You know I will."

Sweet.  :)
But those pictures are from the first time I played. By my third time playing through their wedding, it was more of the kitchen variety:
Jasper: "What just happened?"
Don't look so shocked.
Elizabeth: "You really do look so much like your father."
Elias: "Stop distracting me!!!" *rages*
Elizabeth: "Haha! Don't be such a sore loser!"

As mentioned, I had to play a few things over because of problems.  :(  First time my game crashed because of Windows updates, and the second time was because of Elizabeth.
You see, she died. And then Windows needed to restart because of updates, so I lost that and Caroline and Thomas' first wedding.
So I played it over and she died again. Elias was surprisingly sad; it was pretty touching.
Grim: "Wuss."
Jasper collected her grave from the park and I was placing it from his backpack, but when I let go of holding it, her grave disappeared. If it were a spare or a husband/wife, maybe even an heir I would have kept playing. But Elizabeth is my founder! I can't lose her grave! So I saved and quit. When I went back into the game and still couldn't find her grave, I restored the backup from before she died.
Grant: "My grammy shouldn't die! Bring her back! Rawwwwr!"
Ok, ok! She is back. The first two times she died on her 121st day, but now she seems to have other plans...
Elizabeth: "I'm going to live forever in the legacy house and play guitar for the future generations!"  :D much as I love her, I hope not.
Did you really need to bring her all the way to the lean-to to teach the walking skill?
Lolly: "Technology is constantly advancing. One day, people will use clocks to make paper 'n trees will be forgotten in the new society."
Cora: "Twees! I lak twees!"
Let's check out all the kids at school!  :D
That's Faye, Nathan's daughter.
Now who's this face one?! *hastily deletes face one families in edit town* Phew, I feel better. But really, I know there are more kids in town. I've checked. Does everyone except the Carsons just not care? Those kids need education, too. The only ones that seem to go are face ones.  :(
Thomas: "Caroline, I've been thinking. I'm ready to start our own life together. What do ya think about finding our own house?"
Caroline: "That sounds like a great idea...
...with all these babies here, I'm more than ready to find our own place."
Caroline: "Goodbye family! We'll see you around town."
No one else is out here, what are you waving to?
Grant's first attempt at painting, which is unfinished. Ok...
Since Elizabeth has completed her lifetime wish, I've found something for her to do! Teach the toddler skills!
Elizabeth: "I remember when your uncle Elias used to go fishing. Funny, that always seemed to be at the same time that Wei and I were-"
Enough reminiscing!
Minnie: "Smyle 'n nod..."
Minnie: "SMYLE 'N NOD!"
I get it, ok? Maybe Elizabeth shouldn't teach them how to talk.
I've found graves in the weirdest spots. Like this one behind the laundromat. Death by fire.
And this one outside the diner. Death by electrocution. Maybe railroad track electrocution? Jasper was here doing an opportunity, something about repairing something...
Jasper: "Hello teenager who isn't face one."
Not-face-one: "Name's Mel Mcgowan, sir."
Jasper: "I have a son who's about to turn teen, you two will be the same age!"
Alright, let's try not to set up the children before they are even old enough for that, Jasper.
Elizabeth! What are you doing?! If the child goes in the highchair, that means she needs food!
Elizabeth: "You were busy getting Jasper to meet not-face-ones, so I forgot what I was doing."
Jasper: "I know it's scary, but you can do it! Just walk to me."
Minnie: "No."
Elizabeth and Grant went to a party at Elias' house.
Grant: "Uncle Elias. I want to be friends with you."
You don't look too happy about it.
Elias: "I like darkness, but only figuratively. I really do enjoy sunlight."
Grant: "Errm, what does that mean?"
Grant: "Whoops it's ten 'o clock!" *leaves before he can learn that Elias is evil*
Elias: "I have a necessary." *evil face*
Elizabeth and the now elder Julienne were inside gossiping.
Elizabeth: "Did you hear that *forgot the name* is cheating on his wife?!"
Julienne: "You shouldn't spread that around, Elizabeth! What if she doesn't know!" *laughs*
Elizabeth: "But it's true!" *laughs*
Lolly: "Hmm..."
What are you gazing so intensely at?
Lolly: "Pigs...falling out of trees with apples and acorns onto a bigger pig!"
Elizabeth says it's art!
Cora: "Awkwa! Me fav-ee-rite color!"
Jasper: "Come to papa!"
Cora: "Yesh!"
Cora: "Da blowks go in dat one!"
Jasper: "That's my girl."  :)
Cora: "Go!"
Cora: "Why won't it go?!"
Not so smart.
Remember how I said I would redecorate Nathan's room? No? Well I did. Yay for Grant! This is the most decorated kids room yet.
Lolly: "Birthday massage?"
Jasper: "Lolly it's too late!"
Lolly: "Hymph." 
Jasper: "I'm already growing up!"
Lolly: "Oh..."
Jasper: "Do I look good?"
I can't take you seriously right now.
Next time: The start of the 1870s! And toddlers grow up! Finally!  :DDD

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