Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Jasper chap. 2.2--1860s

Wei: "Caroline. We've never really spoken before."
Caroline: "I know. We finally have a chance to talk."
Wei: *floats*
Caroline: "I really should be getting to bed."
Well that was anticlimactic. But the wish is done. Yes, the wish she's had since she was a child.  :D
Today is my wedding day. The day I've been looking forward to, but also a day I'm worried about. I know Ma doesn't like the Rackets, but I love Lolly and I'm marrying her whether Ma likes it or not. Still, I'd prefer that she be happy for us, and she's taking it better than I thought she would...
Elizabeth: "You know I don't like the Rackets, but Lolly does seem alright. You know her better than I do."
You look worried.
Jasper: "I'm a loser, what if something goes wrong? What if she doesn't show up?"
What could possibly go wrong?  :P
Jasper is a three star celebrity. How, I don't know, since I keep turning down the celebrity opportunities. Must have something to do with Lolly being one star, but still, she's just one star.
Speaking of Lolly...*facepalm* When I planned the party, I wasn't thinking about how Lolly is a vampire; all I was thinking was that their weddings always end waaay too late and that I should plan this one extra early in the day so that doesn't happen.  -_-
Jasper: "How could she...? I mean, it's our wedding day..."
Ugh, now what are you two fighting about?
Jeffrey: "That's right, Jade. We're going to the movies tomorrow, ON A DATE."
Jade: "What are you doing, I don't like you!!"
Chase: *is dating Dudley Racket*
Lol backstory.
Jasper: "Ugh I'm just feeling tired now. Here's your radio all fixed, Chase."
Jade: "I am NOT going on a date with you."
Nathan: "Parties are fun!!!!"
Elizabeth: "Tips?"
Bill Racket: "Lolly will be back after sunset!"
Aww Juliana and Elias were being really cute interacting with each other.
Until Jeffrey started dancing with Juliana. Cute moment over.
Jeffrey: "Would you like to get some dinner with me? Perhaps a DATE?"
Juliana: "I'm married, and now I'm uncomfortable."
Jade: "Nice party, but no one got married. Good luck with that."  :D
Nathan is the ONLY one that tipped Elizabeth.
Eventually, all the guests left. By the time Jasper and Lolly were ready to get married, only Elizabeth and Caroline were there--wait. The paparazzi is still there. What was the point of paying for exclusive access if the paparazzi is still allowed to be there?!

Jasper, Elizabeth, and Caroline were all very tired by this point, so they went home. Lolly, however...
Lolly: "This is the last plasma fruit I'll ever eat."
Really? You mean--
Lolly: "Yes. I'm ready to be human again."
Lolly: "I can't believe I let my father convince me to be a night walker in the first place. You won't tell Jasper about this, will you??"
No, I won't tell Jasper. Are you gonna drink it already?
Lolly: "It's kinda hard to open. This lid is tighter than I thought it'd be!"
Use your vampire strength!
Lolly: "Got it! Eeeeww for how much this costs you'd think it would taste a bit better."
Notice that it's dawn now. Did you really need to stand there all night?
Lolly: "Can't talk now--"
Lolly: "BAM. I'll never go back."
Good because we don't have the money for any more vampire-be-gone.
With Jasper married, it's time for Amos to move out. Goodbye! I will always remember how you looked just like Elias, and that I was too lazy to even start you on your LTW.
Lolly brought five thousand simoleons, so a little expanding was done to the house. I like it, but looking at it needs more roof.  And windows.
Jasper and Lolly's room is on the new third floor.
We can haz babies nao?  :D
Before their wedding, I had changed the age meter for young adults to make it longer, I think twenty-nine days now. After Elizabeth dies, I will change the elder meter down because I want the total days to still be ninety, but I didn't want to mess Elizabeth up by changing it when she could die any second. Anyway, Jasper and Lolly 'tried for baby', but I didn't hear the baby jingle, so I was getting a little annoyed and thought maybe the age slider had caused it.
That's your portrait of Jasper?
Elizabeth: "Yes, it is my artistic portrayal of him."  :)
No no no. You are trying this again tomorrow.
I don't know if you're going to get completely clean with your clothes on...
Lolly: "But...there's a window right by the tub!"
Hmm you're right. That is weird.
Yay!!! Turns out she really did get pregnant, even though the jingle didn't play. It didn't play in the Simsie game either, so I guess I will just return to that with two pregnant sims.  XD
I am excited! Put on maternity clothes!!!
Jasper!! Time to use the handy trait!
Jasper: "Who keeps breaking holes in this tub?!"
Yeah...the garden is dead.
Lolly: "Wow I'm going to have a baby!"
Yeah yeah. I knew this last night, Lolly.
Lolly: "Jasper, I have great news. We're going to have a baby!"
Jasper: "Whoa that is great! I'm so ready!"
Jasper: "I am NOT ready."
Aww is Jeffrey Castor's biography giving you trouble?
That will do. Good job, Elizabeth.
Lolly: "Why am I cleaning the kitchen?"
You are autonomously cleaning, so don't complain! BTW, Lolly's traits are: natural cook, never nude, hopeless romantic, frugal, and schmoozer. LTW: Celebrated Five-Star Chef. With Amos gone, Lolly is going to be the new cook of the house.
The couple reads the pregnancy books.
Jasper: "Can I...feel the baby?"
Lolly: "Of course."  :)
Anything particularly amazing about this picture? There's no skill bar over her head!!! Finally maxed guitar!  :D
Jasper: "Hello baby!"
Jasper: "What's that?"
Lolly: "Awww..."
Most peaceful pregnancy ever.
Nice sparkles. And this picture means that she maxed painting as well! Elizabeth got her Lifetime Wish!!!!  :DDDD
Elizabeth: "Mhmm."  :)
Caroline: "I think I heard something. Do we have a burgler?"
No, it's just the haunted laundry.
While Lolly was doing an opportunity at the business building, she went into labor!
Justin Kayes: "Congratulations!"
Lolly: "Help?"
Get down here, Jasper!
Jasper: "What is it--?"
Lolly: "I'm gonna need some kind of reward for going through this."
Yeah, weird she suddenly had these wishes for TVs and other stuff I can't give her.
Jasper: "Oh LORD whatdoido?!!"
Take her to the hospital!
Elizabeth: "Lalala..."
Lolly: "Oh how I HATE my uncle!!"
Jasper: "We can talk about that later, get in the hospital!"
Jasper: "Um, the father's supposed to stay outside, right?"
Jasper: "What is Amos doing here?"
Amos: "Why does everyone ask that?"
Jasper: "If you got someone pregnant...
...I'm not going to be the one who tells Ma."
Amos: "C'mon, I wouldn't do that." *flirty animations*
Lolly: "Jasper, we have a baby boy!"
They both wanted a boy.  :)
Amos: "Flirty. Mhmm."
Amos: "Ack! So many people here now!"
Hey, it's Julienne and Faye! Elizabeth, go say hi!
She is cute.
Jasper: "I'm a father."
Better get used to it.
Lolly is a natural.
Once again, Nathan is the only one who tips her.
Riiight. So this is baby Grant. He was born with the good and artistic traits. He likes lilac, ratatouille, and hip hop (what a combination  XD).
Elizabeth: "Sweet little grandson."
Lolly: "I can fit into my regular clothes. There's not a memory for that?"
Don't give them any ideas!
Now that she's not pregnant, Lolly is ready to get a job at the bistro for her LTW.
The perfect sim couple.  XD
More babies?
Jasper: "Sorry, Lolly. I am just too stressed out. I've been working on that biography all day."
Lolly: "But...someone accused me of urinating in public! I need a hug."  :(
Jasper: "Really? I'm sorry..."
Jasper: *brightens day*

Next time: Will there be more babies?

Yes, yes there will. Muahahaha!!

PS: 'Entertain Sick Kids' is a celebrity opportunity, but it was just too cute to pass up.  :P

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