Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Jasper chap. 2.4--1860s

The battle at Gettysburg has shaken the Confederate army. The Confederate leaders seem to think it is only a setback, but after the defeat, we will not have European help. Lolly's brother had joined, and there is no word yet on his well being. With so many losses, I can only hope this war will end soon...
Jasper: "How can we raise children in the midst of a war?" *sob*
Elizabeth: "Buck up, Jasper. We'll get through this."
 Grant: *gurgles* "Golden...jewwy...fisheees..."
 Jasper: *gasp* "My son is so smart!"
 Caroline: "Your face is so...symmetrical. It's like art!"
 Justin: "Haha you're funny, Caroline."
 Caroline: "...did I say that out loud?"
 Justin: "I'm glad we're such good friends. Amy has been wanting to throw some dinner parties..."
Caroline: "He's holding my hands!" *gasp*
 Justin: "...and she'd really like to get to know my friends better, so you would be very welcome."
Elizabeth's paintbrush: *sparkles*
 Caroline: "Wait...what do you mean? You and Amy aren't...together? Right?"
Justin: "Oh yes. Me and Amy have been going steady for a few weeks now."
 Caroline: "You and Amy Bull? How did I not know this?! You never thought to mention it at work? What about the flirting?! Amy BULL??!"
 Justin: "Don't act so surprised. It's not like WE are steady. You're so much younger than me...I thought you knew I don't think of you that way."
Justin aged to an elder in a few days and I felt much better for Caroline.
 Lolly, nooo!! I need you to help with the babieeeesss!!!
 Lolly: "Ahahaha...that was fun."
Lolly: "Present a check to the school? I don't have time for these celebrity stunts! I have babies to take care of!"
Caroline: "Alright...you can all stop staring now."
Bunny: "Two celebrities together? OHMYGOODNESSGRACIOUSALIVE!"  :DDD
Thomas: "Caroline, it's so great to see you!"
Caroline: "Yes I'm glad we ran into each other like this." 
Yep it's total coincidence...not like I was stalking Thomas around town or anything...
Thomas: "We've grown up together and I've realized...I like you. A lot."
Caroline: "Really? You do? I like you, too."
Babies growing up! First is Minnie.

She looks mostly like Lolly, but OHMYGOSH THROWBACK HAIR!!!
Now Cora.

I think she's totally cute! Looks mostly like Jasper, but has Lolly's hair color. I love that all three kids have a different hair color.  :)
Jasper: "I never want to see a biography again."
Yay! Jeffrey's book is done!!!
Nice wallpaper, Thomas. *snicker*
Thomas: "I want us to be together, Caroline."
Caroline: *goes in for kiss*
Thomas: "BUT...
...I've joined the army. I'm leaving town tomorrow, and I think we should wait. I don't want you to end up heartbroken. If...when I return, when the war is over, we will get married."
Caroline:  :(
C'mon! This is the last skill!!
Too late.  -_-
Haha I don't have a good picture of his face! Suffice it to say that he definitely has all of Lolly's features and is a mini boy version of her. With black hair.
He chose to sleep in Nathan's bed on his first night of kid-hood. I will redecorate it for him soon(ish).

Next time: Having to play the same thing three times is fun, right?

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