Monday, August 29, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Jasper chap. 2.6--1870s

The children are growing quickly and will soon have their birthdays. With Lolly working, Ma has been helping to take care of them.
Even though it can be frustrating at times...
Elizabeth: "I'm your grandmother."
Cora: "Gam? Gam other?" 
Elizabeth: "Graaandmotheeer."
 Can someone explain the fickleness of the block table? I mean, there is nothing blocking Minnie! Seriously!
 Lolly: "Don't forget to brush yer teeth."
Grant: "Ugh..."
Grant has embraced the artistic trait.  :)
It's time for a party! Um, the party is really outside...not so much in the nursery.
Caroline: "Jasper is the one who invited us! Oooh this place is lookin' good!"
Faye is almost all grown up! I think she's purty.
Faye: "I'm here for the celebrities, not you. I still remember that time I came over and you ignored me."
Grant: "Hymph. You know that happened in one of the saves that was lost! I don't think you've actually ever been here before."
Faye: "Oooh a celebrity!"
Guests: "That baby is crying!"
What do you expect? This is the nursery room, people!
Grant: "Yay! Cake!"
His face here is cute.  <3
Lolly & Julienne: "Yay!"
Lolly: "Whoa. He really does look jus' like me."
Grant: "That's good, right?"
Meanwhile, inside:
Faye: "Yer that mean ol' Rotter!"
Sinbad: "And yer that lil' goody-two-shoes Carson girl. Hymph."
Grant: "Hello, I'm Grant. Please ignore my crying sister."
Mel: "Mel Mcgowan, nice to meet ya."
Grant: "I just had a birthday!"
Creepy-vampire-Renee William-Brown: "Happy birthday! I'm leaving."
Mel: "Happy birthday. Lookin' good!"
Makeover time!
Grant: "Shouldn't you be taking care of those babies?"
I'm getting to it!
So it was also Minnie and Cora's birthday.
Minnie: "I'm sweepy."
Elizabeth, Jasper, & Grant: "The baby's crying."
Lolly: "I'm ready for bed."
Minnie: "I'M SWEEPY!"
Jasper: "I'm tired, too. Let's grow these babies up."
Jasper: *slap* "Stay awake, stay awake!"
Minnie: "I git to sweep now?"  :D
Unflattering cross-eyed pic, check. Yes, it's bedtime.
Elizabeth: "Not yet!"
Cora: "Eeeeheehee..."
Sunrise.  -_-  But this pic is pretty.
Cora: "Derrr..."
Minnie: "I'm so tired."
Ok. Pick a room like Grant did.
Cora: "I'm tired."
Minnie: "I just said that!"
Uh-huh. I'm starting to think you two aren't as smart as your brother.
Minnie & Cora: "No!!!"
Minnie eventually chose to sleep in Caroline's old room. It's already decorated in her favorite color! Maybe she is smart.
 Cora eventually chose to sleep in Amos' old room.
Minnie: "Tralala...baking muffins."
They burnt.
Cora: "I'm lonely. Let's play tag, papa!"
Jasper: "You'll never catch me!"
Cora: "Wait! No fair!"
Cora: "Ahaha caught ya! I want to go to the art museum."
Jasper: "What?! Isn't there a book I should be starting?"
Cora: "Lookit this!"
Cora: "Minnie, did you see what I--"
Aww Minnie left.
Lookit this! No, I don't have Generations. I installed these spiral staircases. Let's see how they work.
Grant: "Do I have ta be the one to test it?"
It does look a little funny from the second floor lol.
The pig painting again? Why does it look so--
Elizabeth: "Artistic? That's my special touch."
More like blurry. Whatever.
Cora: *pulls homework from apron* "Now's a good time as any to get this done."
But you are in town! You can do homework at home. I see a little boy who's not face-one!
Wei Keane: "That little girl is famous!"
Cora: "Hi! I'm Cora Carson."
Not-face-one: "I'm Christopher Funk."
Heath Funk: "That little girl is famous!"  :D
Christopher: "Please stop, pa."
You mad? At yourself?
Jasper: "Loll, what do you think about going on a date today?"
Lolly: "Well...
...since ya asked in yer long johns, yes! Sounds like a great idea!"
They went to eat at the bistro. There was an interesting face-one there.
Face-one: "Lolly Carson?! Didn't she soil herself?! Boooo!"
That is a vicious rumor!
Face-one: "Someone needs to teach her a lesson!!!"
With a frying pan?  D:
Face-one: "Oooh Jasper Carson. There's a celebrity I like."
Lolly: "Ahem."
Jasper: "Don't pay them any attention, Loll."
Lolly: "I won't. It's just you 'n me right now."
Jasper: "How's your dinner?"
Lolly: "Mmm good."
Lolly: "And how's that book comin' along?"
Jasper: "Er, I was just going to start it. I might need to do some studying at the library first, though."
Lolly: "Whaddaya say we go to the theatre and take a tour? It's just across the street."
Jasper: "Sounds good."
Lolly: "I'll race ya!"
Jasper: "Haha...what?"
Face-one: "Auughh! Amos is gonna get me!!!"
Amos: "What?! I don't even know her!"
Amos: "See? I'm going this way, she's going that way."
Face-one: "Why'd he stop chasing me? I liked it."
Alright, enough of you.
 Look who I saw across the street! Ezio Auditore. Yes, I tried making him. I'll probably tweak him more later. He had a baby...
...with his wife, Scarlett O'Hara. Yes, I tried making her. And I actually think she turned out pretty good.
Lolly: "Maybe I shouldn't have raced him."
He lost tag to Cora. I don't think anything involving strength is his strong point.
Lolly: "Let's go. Heehee."

Paparazzi: "I know what ya'll did in there."
Lolly got accused of woohooing in public. And Jasper didn't! What the heck?!
Jasper: "Hello Mr. Racket. Nice to see you."
Dennis: "Shush boy! I jus' got offa' work!"
Jasper: "I love your daughter..."
Dennis: "Um, what?! You ain't good enough fer my Lolly!"
Jasper: " seemed alright with it when we married TEN years ago!"
Dennis: "That was before the war. The one where you didn't defend the great Confederacy! Now my Shark, he was out there fightin'."
Lay off Jasper! You know he wouldn't have been any help in the war anyway! I mean, he can't even win at tag.

Next time: A baby? Babies? Also, death! Dun dun dun...