Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Elizabeth chap. 1.11--1850s

Wei is gone. My husband is gone. I'm in mourning, but there is still a little one in the household. She still needs to be taken care of. I don't think she realizes that her dead. I don't want to show it, either. I will be strong for her.
That's sad, Elizabeth. Let's move on...
 Elias: "Diamonds are so valuable." *masterminds plot*
Juliana is evil like him!
Elias: "You pretty!"
Hey! I see where you're looking!
It became a date.  :)
Elias: "You may not have realized, but I've always liked you, even when we were children..."
Juliana: "Yes, Elias?"
 Elias: "Would my wife?"
Juliana: "Oh! Yes!"  :D
Aww. I think they're perfect for each other. Not only are they both evil, they're both computer whiz's, too.
 Elias registered as a painter.
Time for Caroline's birthday! New trait: loves the outdoors.
And Nathan's! His traits: brave, artistic, eccentric, green thumb, party animal. LTW: Paranormal Profiteer.
 After Nathan grew up, I noticed that it was actually showing him above Elias in the panel here. It also showed them as having the same amount of days until adult, when Elias is really several days older.  :/
 Ready for your first day of school?
Caroline: "Mmhmm...I've got clean clothes!"
Amos wanted a job, so he got one at the grocery store. Hey, look at that! Somebody lost their kitty!
It is Elias' wedding day. I am extremely happy for him, but I can't help feeling sad at the same time. Wei will not see his children marry, he won't see them grow up. But the guests are arriving, this is no time for mourning.
 Well...if you're that tired you should've stayed home, Amy. Time for the wedding party! I actually had to play the wedding twice because my game crashed the first time.  :(
 Ursula: "Hold hands with you? But what would people think?!"
D:  This worked much better the first time.
Ursula: "Hugs are alright."
Caroline: "Can you stop blocking the door? I'm trying to get to the playroom."
I'm trying to do something here, Caroline. There's another door to the playroom/nursery anyway.
 The wedding's starting!

 Amy: "Weddings are so beautiful."
 You're next, Nathan. 
Nathan: "Whaaaat?!"
The first time I played through the wedding, Elizabeth was crying the whole time. This time she looks very happy. Both her and Wei had wanted to see Elias marry.
 She played a song as the newlyweds whispered about woohoo.  XD
That night was the first time Wei came out.  <3

At this point I left the game...when I came back it was extremely glitchy:
 First there weren't any of their icons on the side. So I spacebar-ed through the sims and...
...I could only control Elizabeth, Elias, Nathan, and Amos! I tried to add Juliana, Jasper, and Caroline back through testingcheats, but I think the game still recognized them as part of the household, so I didn't get the option to add them back. After googling the problem, I decided to start a new game. They are still in Twinbrook, and the house is in almost exactly the same spot.
 So...let's get going! How does everyone feel? 
Caroline: "Strange."
Elizabeth: " Wei may still be alive..."
Yes he's in town, but we are going to avoid him as much as possible and hope this works out.  :)
 DeAndre's grave even came with us! I had put the portraits and Wei's grave in Elizabeth's backpack just to be sure.
 Everything's working great so far! Oh...with all the glitches, Elias and Juliana didn't really get a wedding night...soo everybody else: leave the lot!!!
 Nathan went to get a job as a ghosthunter.
Elizabeth, Amos, and Jasper went to the park. Caroline went to the community garden, but that was boring so I didn't take any pictures.
Nathan went to the park after getting his job and met Julienne Knack. That blonde lady is Julienne's mom, watching them very closely.
Then I sent Elizabeth over to see if she and Amy might be friends again. It kind of worked...
Nathan invited Julienne over and of course she ran up to his bedroom.
Julienne: "Why is there a cockroach in here?? Blechhh!"
Then I found out that Juliana would secretly like to be a stylist as she gave Julienne a makeover autonomously.
Juliana: "No no no...look in the mirror. This doesn't work for you."
Julienne: "I don't know...I really like it!"
Juliana: "Ta-daaaa! This is fabulous on you!"
Julienne: "...I...I don't know what to say..."  >:(
Julienne: "I'm so embarassed...where did she put my other clothes?!"
Juliana: "Mwuahaha! Aren't you hungry, Julienne? Let's eat!"
I should have known you would use the stylist station for evil, Juliana.
About this time I noticed the clones. The Juliana on the left is regular Juliana. The Juliana on the right is Juliana Carson, Paparazzi. This is strange to me because I'm pretty sure I didn't save Juliana to the bin.
Nathan's first night on the job!
Wei (Keane) actually called him for a job...
Juliana: *sneaks*
Elias: "Juliana...what are you doing?"
Juliana: "Drat!"
Juliana: *cough* "It stinks!" 
Elias: "There is a certain...aroma in the air."
Juliana: "This place is a mess! I don't know how much longer I can take it!"
Elias: " about we find our own house? We could move tomorrow."
Juliana: "Yes, please!"
Jasper grew up that night! He didn't get a party because they had just moved in and didn't really know anyone. His new trait is...bookworm? No, I think he got that as a kid. I didn't write down his fourth trait.  D:
Here he is off to school. I wish I could find a shirt for teens where they would actually be wearing the suspenders.  :/
After school, Juliana was being strangely nice.
Juliana: "How was your day, Jasper?"  
Jasper: "Er...good, I suppose."
Bunny Curious came home with Caroline. Wait...
That's better!
Lolly Racket came home with Jasper.
Juliana: "I disapprove!"
You are being strangely protective of Jasper.
Elias: "These candles are really bright..."
Juliana: "We're leaving."
Elias: "Yes...thank you for raising me and letting me help take care of my siblings before I became evil."
Elias: "We'll be back to see Caroline. She's our favorite."
Seriously, Juliana had even rolled the wish to be friends with her.
Caroline: "I'm favorite? Is that good or bad?"
Bunny is really losing at tag.
Elizabeth: "We'll miss you, Elias! Listen to the mockingbird, listen to the mockingbird, still singing where the weeping willows wave..."
Jasper: "So, aren't married, are you? Because in our time, sixteen is a fairly common age to marry."
Lolly: ", I'm not married."
Jasper: "Oh...then you want to dance?"
Lolly: "That sounds nice!"

Next time: Nathan gets serious with Julienne, and Caroline has a birthday!

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