Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Elizabeth chap. 1.10--1850s

I'm not sure what to think. There are reports of violence across the country, and all seem to be disputes about slaves. It feels like something big is coming. The Ratchets think that there is too much disagreement, that the southern states should secede from the union. I hope it does not come to that. The country needs to stay together, we need to work through this.
But life moves on; it is Amos' first day of school...
Silly school bus. There's a road that comes right to the house; you were using it before, so what changed?
It was either Elias or Nathan that wished for the bake stand, but it looks like Amos may actually get some use out of it.
I like neurotic sims. They're like neat sims only...uh...with implied crazy?

Yay toddler skills!

Wei: "I am so tired of teaching the same skills again..."
Jasper: "Tie-errrd!"

Yay becoming friends!
Jasper: *is uncomfortable*

Yay growing up!
Caroline has Elizabeth's hair and eyes! Everything else seems to be from Wei, but I think she's cute.
The only toy box is in Nathan's room.  XD
DeAndre makes his first ghostly appearance. Don't steal my books!
Jasper! Do more cute things!
Aw, Nathan, thanks for helping out! Wrong crib, but I can see you made an effort.
Amos: "Don't you think it's unusual that we're all artistic?"
Nathan: "We are?!"
Elias: "No! Don't you know it's our family trait?"
Nathan: "I'm so involved with my gardening that it hardly shows, anyhow."
Amos: "Uh...we're just doing can leave now."
I made some expansions to the house: added a second story for the kids' bedrooms, and made the rooms on the bottom floor bigger. The kitchen is much better now. I didn't take any other pics, but I may get them later. are just cute!
Caroline: *giggles*
No, no...I didn't cheat my own challenge.  XD  The stereo is Amy Bull's; Elizabeth is just fixing it for her. Wow I need more lights...
Amos: "Well, even though some people don't count favorite color is white."
Nathan: "I know...some people would consider black as the absence of color...but I like it."
Elizabeth is back to work! Yeah...she pretty much hates her job.
Elias: "Swamp fishing is peaceful. All alone..."
Yeah...what's wrong with your fishing pole? And I think that's a shark back there! Run!!
And no, he wasn't escaping from his parents.  XD  Elizabeth wasn't even home...
Elizabeth: "This was a great party, Amy, really. Here's your stereo...I must get back home." *energy quickly declines*
One day of work and she's ready to pass out.
Aww I think he's really cute! (Do I say that about all my sim kids?)
Jasper actually sleeps in a bed his first night of childhood because I love him more because I had already built enough space upstairs for his and Caroline's rooms.
Have we not had two kids at once yet? I think Jasper and Amos are going to be good friends.  :)
Nathan finally gets the garden going.
Elias: "It's my birthday!"
Ok...I didn't get a good picture of him until the next day. He looks just like Wei, only evil.  XD
Traits: loner, loves the outdoors, artistic, computer whiz, evil.
LTW: Master of the Arts.
Elias is not heir, sorry!
Nathan wanted a job, so why not? He got one at the bookstore. Normally I wouldn't want to include pictures of cars yet, but this is the first time I've seen anyone driving on the sidewalk. Now, it looks like no one's driving, but an elder guy wearing pajamas came out of it, so I can only assume he was too short for us to see him, and for him to see where he was going. Who gave him a license?! Oh yeah, those kinds of things don't exist yet...
After that near-death experience, Nathan was hungry, so he met Ursula to get some lunch. She was having a bad day.
How was lunch?
Nathan: "I...I ate with my they're all dirty and...
...I should wash them!"
You are so eccentric.
Ursula: "Thanks for taking me out, Nathan. I feel better. You're a great friend."  
Nathan: *silence*
Jasper: "Girls like flowers, right?"
Um...we still don't have Generations, so you can forget about that.  XD
Portrait.  :D
Elizabeth: "It's my birthday!"
You're growing to elder, stop looking so happy.
Elizabeth: "It won't be's just the next chapter of my life."
Elizabeth: "Ohhh...."
Elizabeth: " hand..."
Hey! Don't get stuck!
Amos: "Children aren't allowed out after ten...Must. Go. Home."
Noooo! Don't leave your bake stand!  >:( actually want to do the laundry. So don't drop it on the floor!
Nathan: "No, I just want to pick it up off the clothesline. Elias should do this part."
A demon broke my bathtub!!! that you, Amos?
Elias: "Golden jellyfish are worth a lot of money!" *snickers*
Caroline: "Golden...wuuuut??"
Elizabeth takes one last trip to the salon before she, retires.
She is such a cute elder.  :)
Elizabeth: "Salon've never met me, but I just retired from working here."
My sims have never retired in a public place before, so I didn't know that people would gather around and clap. I thought it was really cute!
Hurry, Amos, your birthday is today! Hey, you! Staring right at him! You only need to buy one and Amos' wish will be done!
No one bought any.  -_-
Amos: "This is the best day of my life!"
Guests & Elizabeth: "Wei is in the way!"
Jasper: "Pa...?"
Jasper: "No...papa!"
Elizabeth: "Wei!!"
Wei: "Huh? But I'm not ready to go!"
Elizabeth: "Huh?"
Wei: "Please, Grim, don't do this! Caroline is only a toddler! I need to be with my children!"
Grim: "Let me think...
...NO! That lady is hot!"
Elizabeth: "Why is SHE so sad?"
Elizabeth: *sob* " love..."
Lady: "Terrible party!"
Elizabeth: "Amy...I can't believe he's gone." *sob* 
Amy: "I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. You wouldn't happen to have any plasma juice, would you?"
Where was Elias? He was actually taking care of Caroline, and feeling fiendishly delighted at the pain of others. He was secretly sad, though.
Elias: "No, I'm not! I don't care!" *clobbers the bathtub*
Don't deny your feelings, Elias.  XD

Next time: A wedding! And I may have to make a drastic decision...

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