We decided to move to Appaloosa Plains, a country town in the Midwest.
Yes, the Carsons have moved to Appaloosa Plains. :D

Here is a closer view of the graveyard. On the left there are DeAndre Wolf and Caroline Carson--she died at Daisy and Violet's birthday party.

Violet: "You're sending me and Daisy to buy horses? What, you think you can make us take care of horses now?"
Actually, I can make you take care of horses. But c'mon, you'll probably love it!
Daisy: "Sitting majestically on a horse. This would make a great picture."
Yes it does. :)

The horse on the left is a boy named Acorn, the horse on the right is a girl named Lady (I just kept the names they already had because I'm lazy). I thought maybe we could have some foals, but then I saw this:
They're siblings? Eh, maybe I'll just breed Lady through the Equestrian Center.
Everyone is getting settled in to Appaloosa Plains. Cora's first wish was to learn a fishing skill, so I sent her to the beach/river. Her next wishes were about catching minnows and goldfish, which I ignored.

Minnie: "Hmm, what shall I do here. It's like a blank canvas!!"
Sofia Carlton: "I don't know about that rug..."
Look behind you! It's the most expensive stereo in my game! That's good for something, right?
Minnie: "I hope she doesn't smell--"
Sofia: "Daaang what's that smell?!"
Oh well, still got a good review. :D

Cora: "I've been feeling nauseous lately and today my back has been sore so I thought I would jus' come out for some fresh air."
Cora: "Oh! I'm pregnant..."
~Horse Interruption!~
Lady: "We's horses!"
Acorn: "I LIKE LEAVES!!!"
Minnie: "So what did ya want to talk about, Cora?"

Minnie: "You mean...before we left--you and Edmund--?"

Minnie: "Of course. That was the day me and Davin married."
Cora: "Well, I had just gotten off work when I heard the news of Ma's passing..."
I was really upset. I mean, Pa and Ma passed away in such a short time, it was overwhelming. An' all of a sudden I wanted to see Christopher. So I went over to his house an' when I saw him I jus' burst into tears.
Then I said I was sorry for barging in like that, and after seeing how upset I was, he said he'd best make sure I got home all right. When we got back to the house, I thought it was rude to jus' send him back, so I invited him in for a minute. Do ya remember that we were moving Grandmother's bed out of her old room? Well it was late and I was getting tired, so I sat down on it--
Minnie: "Suuure."
Cora: "What? I really was tired!"
Anyway, I sat down, then Chris came and sat beside me. And then he kissed me. I was surprised, but I was glad he did. He pulled back and started to say sorry...
Minnie: "Alright, alright! I get it!"

Cora: "After Twinbrook was evacuated, I think he headed west. I don't know exactly where he was going; I don't think he even knew where he would end up."
Hey, how about we get started on some kids that can actually continue the legacy?

Deer: "That is a really big haystack. I mean, is that even necessary--? Wait, what are they doing?! OH--Oh my...I hate you! I hate you and your sims!!"

Minnie: "Oh no--I think I'm going to--

Minnie: "Oh! I'm going to have a baby!"
Yesss! The fourth generation is upon us! Stupid phone ruining the moment. >:I

Aren't you forgetting something? Like work?!

Violet: "Ya know you love me."
Yeah, yeah. Get to work!

Cora: "Of course it is!"

Cora: "I'm having a baby, I can't really worry about you right now!"

Hey! Watch it or I'll give you fertility treatment--!

Samuel Carson was born with the clumsy and grumpy traits. Great, a grumpy baby. -_-

I'll be just as happy if you fall down. That could be pretty funny. XD

Lady: -_-

Minnie: "This paparazzi is in my way!"
Ugh, I wish the celebrity stars hadn't carried over in the move.

I'm glad you don't live in the modern world where there's a bazillion choices of food anywhere you eat.
Minnie: "What are you saying? Of course I live in the modern world!"
To you, maybe. :P

Cora: "Shut your mouth! You know I'm only holding him like this because you haven't replaced this CC crib yet!"

Cora: "Maybe it's because I AM really pretty."
Whatever, Cora.
Davin: "Yeah! Hey, you're walking differently than usual."

Ok, I'll end the chapter here. Next time we'll see the fourth generation!
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