Monday, November 14, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Minnie chap. 3.6--1880s

Wild horse: "I's tired!"
Acorn: "Me too!"
Wild horses sleep so cutely! I love this picture.  :)
I've been keeping as healthy as I can for the baby. One morning I washed my hands three times just to be sure. Davin thinks I'm going a little overboard, but better safe than sorry, yeah?
Davin: "If you're so stressed, maybe we could go to the theater! Or go out to eat, if ya'd like. As long as they have grilled cheese I'm happy."
Minnie: "I'll just be glad when I can git back to work. People really aren't comfortable with a pregnant woman bashing down their walls, even though I assured them that I'm perfectly capable."
Davin: "And I thank them fer their discomfort and fer calling the police when ya wouldn't leave their property."
Should I be worried that Acorn just soiled himself and vegetables are now falling out of his mouth?
Acorn: "You should concern yerself with teh un-texturized gate!"
Duly noted, Acorn.
Minnie: "There is a sharp pain coming from my stomach."  :)
Davin: "What? Um...are you...
...having the baby?!"
Minnie: "I think so, yes."
Davin: "You are strangely calm!!!"
Minnie: "Let's jus' git to the hospital."
Off to the hospital!

These pictures speak for themselves, really. I have no excuse for you, Davin.Anyway, soon after Davin left, a baby boy was born! He was named Franklin and was born with the loves the outdoors and artistic traits.
Cora: "See? I'm good at holding babies."
Oooh Acorn is up to the "trot" level. Daisy is no less terrified, I see. Anyway, they were off to run in a beginner's racing competition because Acorn wanted to.
And they won!  :D
Lady: "Did you hear sometin'?
Acorn: "Naw, you's just bein' paranoid."
Drinking from a neighbor's pond. This is good. We didn't want friends anyway.

Lady: "Wut?"
Nothing, you're just doing cute horse-y things, so I'm taking pictures.
I know babies are loud things, Davin, but continue. I'll turn the sound down.

Violet! I don't remember why you were at the salon but go meet this guy who's standing outside!
Violet: "Are ya sure about this?"
Just say hello. Couldn't hurt, right?
Fail, I didn't get a picture of his face.  DX  I must have been too distracted by all the BIRTHDAYS!!!
First is Samuel.
He looks a lot like his dad, I think. But he got Cora's hair color.
Davin: "I'm lifting weights without the weights!"  :D
No, you're having your birthday.  :(
Davin: "Hey, I still look good!"
Can't really tell from this picture, but, yeah, after I gave him a makeover he still looks pretty good.
And last is Minnie.
Minnie:  O_O

Minnie: "This is good, huh? I'm older..."
I feel like if I had Generations you would be having a midlife crisis right now. So I'm glad you are not wishing to divorce Davin, or move across town, or something crazy like that.  :D

Bit shorter chapter because Minnie grew up. Next time is the start of the 1890s (I feel like that's going to be a looong decade). And more babies? Yes.

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