Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lana and Robbie--bringing you up-to-date

   Ok, so I've been playing The Sims 3 since it came out (summer 2009) and I love it! BTW I love the Sims!!! I have been playing it since my brother bought the first Sims. I could never get into the SimsCity games, but I love The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3.
   Anyways, I got my laptop in the spring and installed Sims 3 in August. In December, I decided to make a new family and started with a couple because I always think it's the funnest to start that way and have their children grow from babies. My couple started as young adults and by now they are adults, so I'm going to give you the run-through on their young adult lives:
 Robbie and Lana.
Lana and Robbie. Yeah, I like that better.
Lana's traits are: good, genius, perfectionist, hopeless romantic, and ambitious. She has the World Renowned Surgeon lifetime wish. Her description is: "Lana is strange, and most sims don't 'get' her. She usually tries to stay unnoticed, and most sims try to ignore her. But Robbie is able to look beyond her outward appearance." Her favorite color is violet.
Robbie's traits are: brave, good sense of humor, vehicle enthusiast, artistic, and charismatic. He has the Master of the Arts lifetime wish. His description is: "Robbie has always been the one in the spotlight; will moving to Sunset Valley change this?" His favorite color is blue.  
   Lana's skin is light blue, in case you can't tell from that pic. I imagine the two of them falling in love, but as Lana is shunned and looked down on (because of her strangeness and appearance), Robbie suggests they move to Sunset Valley to have a fresh start. Robbie is charismatic and artistic, so I imagine him being quite popular in their hometown, but still choosing Lana over that popularity. How sweet of him :)

They were married on the beach (unfortunately don't have pics), and I played them as a couple for a little while. They were living in the Monotone house, 72 Water Lily Lane; one of the only houses they could afford after I first made them. Lana got a job at the hospital, and Robbie got a part-time job at Divisadero bookstore. I wanted to give Robbie more free time to work on his painting skill. One time they were at the beach and I saw the Bachelor family having a picnic: 
There's Bella in the red dress!!!
Eventually playing with only two sims got boring to me, but luckily they got the "have a baby" want.

Lana going into labor, and Robbie freaking out XD
Here they are at the hospital:

Oh Lana! Have I taught you nothing?! You're supposed to wear pants in public!
Yep, Lana's not wearing any pants. I've uploaded a lot of people, clothes, and patterns through the exchange, and unfortunately when it comes to clothes this can backfire. So, one of the people that I uploaded for clothes from the exchange had no pants in one of their outfits lol
They had a baby girl, and I named her Mary Lilac. Her traits were genius and virtuoso.
Here is her infant self:

My precious little tube.
Aaaaand she's a tube. Apparently someone thought it would be a good idea to allow babies to wear adult clothes when they uploaded to the exchange. This unfortunately makes the baby very glitchy, and it often looks like a tube, but the game is not affected, just the baby's appearance.
Here she is after growing into a toddler:
Wow that is scary. Since I don't even like the clothes that make them glitch like this, I would uninstall them, but I did that on my other game and then couldn't get back into the game! Sims 3 would work and load fine into the main menu, but when I tried to load that particular game it would load to a certain point and stay there. So I'm not going to take a chance with this one, as I have become attached to Lana, Robbie, and their children.
Here's Mary Lilac after I planned/changed her wardrobe:
Ahh that's better. They had enough money to move out, so I moved them to Mosquito Cove, 36 Sim Lane. It was a little hillbilly, and too run-down looking for my taste, so I utilized the create-a-style tool to re-design the interior but left the outside as it was. Unfortunately I don't have any shots from when they were living in Mosquito Cove.
   When they had enough money, I moved them into an empty lot (415 Skyborough Blvd), built my own house, and Lana got pregnant again.
   I had another tube girl! She was named Daisy May, and born with the athletic and excitable traits. At this point, I decided I would give all their children color-themed names. Mary Lilac's color is lilac/lavendar; Daisy May's is yellow.
   Mary Lilac grew into a child, and added perfectionist to her traits. Here she is carrying an empty pizza box:

   I thought she looked funny because the pizza box is so big. Yep, I am easily amused. BTW Robbie often starts randomly laughing. It must be because he has the good sense of humor trait. Kinda creepy...
   Daisy May grows into a toddler...

That black and white glitchiness is Daisy May wearing adult clothes...sigh...
   Lana and Robbie had two more children, both boys (good thing too cause I was getting tired of daughters lol). The older is Oliver Heath, born with the good and brave traits. The younger is Robert Red, named after Robbie (lol it's still hard to believe I made his middle name Red) and born with the easily impressed and friendly traits. I've decided to make Robert Red a little hillbilly  :D Robert Red was also my only normal baby, all the others were tubes lol
   I thought this was cute:
Lana and Mary Lilac ate grilled cheese and both left the crusts :)
   Mary Lilac and Daisy May grew to teenagers during Lana and Robbie's young adulthood.
Here's Mary Lilac as she tries to take pancakes to school:
Mary Lilac grew into the bookworm trait. I also added the Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers wish as her lifetime want.
And this is Daisy May as a teen:
She now has the athletic, excitable, family-oriented, and flirty traits. She also wanted to write a science fiction novel, so she did, named "Jogging With Martians". I really like writing sims, so when the Professional Author lifetime wish popped up, I added it for her.
BTW, I've been playing on the "long" lifespan and have had story progression enabled the whole time.
   During Lana and Robbie's young adulthood, Oliver Heath grew into a child and Robert Red grew into a toddler. Oliver Heath added the good sense of humor trait. I also added the Rock Star lifetime wish because it popped up as a want. Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of Oliver as a kid or Robert as a toddler. Lana was having a lot of days off during and after her pregnancies, so to find something to do with her I had her start a garden. At the point I'm playing now she is up to level 8 in gardening skills. Lana reached her lifetime goal of being a world renowned surgeon a little before she grew into an adult. This added 37k to her lifetime points.

Going to play gol--uh, perform surgeries...

She now has the option to "play golf" while at work lol. Lana also maxed the logic skill.
   Robbie moved as far as he could (level 3) at Divasidero bookstore. Part-time jobs can be pretty limited, but he gained quite a few raises and was making around $112 per hour at the end of young adulthood. He also maxed the painting skill and was moving along with the guitar skill. Mary Lilac was dating Sam Sekemoto and Daisy May was dating Gregory Langerak (the younger brother of Kaylynn Langerak). Mary Lilac also had a part-time job at the spa, while Sam had a part-time job at the graveyard. A lot of times, I would have Mary Lilac call Sam after work and ask if he wanted to go out, but he would say he was busy. This happened so often, I considered making Mary Lilac break up with him, but changed my mind when I figured out it must be because of his job.
   Daisy May and Gregory:

No, it's not a gay couple...

   The clothes continue to make my sims look extremely funny, as Gregory is wearing a girl's pants, boots, and top, giving him boobs and a girl's booty. This pic is better:

Eventually I changed to his family just so I could give him new clothes :)
   Robbie is one day older than Lana, so he grew up before her:
I changed his clothes and gave him glasses because I wanted him to look a little more mature. His Ghostbusters shirt is now part of his pajamas :)
   Lana grew the next day:
I changed her clothes as well but kept both of their hair the same.
   What will happen next? Now that they're adults, life could only get sweeter, right?...

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