Monday, January 2, 2012


 Heather: "Merry Christmas and happy holidays I guess..."
 Heather: "Can I change out of this Christmas sweater?!"
Alright, you'll only wear it when Aunt Clara visits go on and take it off.
Heather: "Soo we're gonna celebrate New Year's even though it's past New Year's Eve?"
Yes, yes. I failed with getting a sims Christmas celebration so now we will have New Year's celebrations.
Some of the Carsons are with us. They are dressed in modern clothes (Elizabeth's looks a little '90s, I'll admit).
Lana and Robbie, have not seen them in a while.  :)
Also Lillian Mint and Liam O'Dourke.
Heather: "Psst, Lillian. There are dirty dishes inside the house."
Lillian: "Stop it, you know I'm a coward."  :c
Elizabeth: "Hey there, Davin. We aren't related, if you know what I mean."
Elizabeth! Don't be hitting on the father of your great-grandchildren!
Minnie: "Grandmother?!"
Robbie: "Champagne Nectar? Well let's have some!"
Nope! These glasses are just decoration (just noticed that I somehow got these glasses with this set). I'm not sure what Lana is doing here but it's certainly not 'viewing' the glasses.
Minnie: "Uuurrp! Heh heh..."
Lillian: "Turkey?! What a heartless sim world this is! I will be having salad!"
Jasper: "I'll have some"
Lillian:  >:(
Lana: "Chicken dance haha..."
The chicken dance; prominent at every respectable sim party, along with the smustle of course.
Elizabeth is extremely cute dancing; I don't think I'd ever seen her dance before.
Cuteness overload.  O_O
Lillian: "I made drinks so everybody better come try them!"
You are grumpy today...
Me (?) and Jasper will have some.
Lillian: "Not Jasper! Not after what he did to that poor turkey!"
 Heather: "Got my drink, time for fireworks!"
A perfectly safe combination, I'm sure.
 Elizabeth: "Mine first, mine first!"
 Heather: "Ka-BOOM!"
 Scary face...
Here are fireworks from map view because I couldn't see them at all from the house.
New Year's kisses...

Stray dog: *grumble* "...PDA..." *grumble*
Ah, I love him. Adopt him, Elizabeth!
Elizabeth: *grumble* "...barely in the already left the lot..." *grumble*

Ok New Year's celebration done now. I will hopefully put up another Carson chapter this week before school starts next week. Wow, this is my first post of 2012! Woot!  :D  Have a great year!

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