Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Carson Legacy: Minnie chap. 3.8--1890s

Two chapters in one week! I feel accomplished.
 Little Daniel is just the sweetest thing. It didn't take long for me and Davin to get used to his adorable face.
 At the same time, it has been difficult to take care of two children, especially since I have been teaching Franklin his skills.
 Davin: "Hello little Daniel. I--
 --feel uncomfortable."
 I put the pet store in town, so I sent Daisy to visit it.
 Caroline Ingalls (I love Little House on the Prairie!) is the cashier.
 Daisy: "You like shiny things, don't you, Birdie? I like shiny things too..."
 Finally Cora is growing up...
 Cora: "Well don't I look sexy--"
Cora: "I mean, I look absolutely dashing!"
Keep with the time period, Cora!  >:I
 Lady is still stuck...
 Well look who it is! What are you doing at the dog park?
Heather: "Nothing....
 ...literally nothing."

 Toddler walking! No, Samuel has not been taught any skills.
Cora! Watch what you're doing with Minnie's portrait. You'll be painting all the portraits, BTW.
Cora: "Huh?! You can't do that to me!"
I can, and I am.
 Cora: "Fine. How do you like your portrait now?"
 Toddler distraction!
 Davin: "Now Franklin, it's two in the morning. You've been on that horse for nearly two hours. It's time for bed!"
Franklin: "Hymph. More horsey..."

 Sad toddler face is cute.
 Violet: "Hey there, Acorn, you sweety."
I'd rather you stay away from the horses now, Violet.
 Daniel's birthday!
 He appears to have Minnie's/Lolly's face shape, not sure about the rest of his features yet.
 Samuel's birthday, too.
 It's possible that he has Cora's lips, but everything else is definitely from Christopher. Samuel got the family-oriented trait, which, as I think about it, makes sense. It's like he's getting older, he knows his father isn't with them, so he feels like he's got to take care of his mom and puts a greater importance on family. I am looking waaay too far into this.
 Fan: "Hey! I saw you in that piano concert!"
Minnie's out around the town? Weeeell let's just check out that weird glow I saw in map view...
 Unicorn!!! This is the first one I've seen in my game.   :D
 Minnie: "Hmm. Is that--?"
 Minnie: "A unicorn?! They do exist!"
Unicorn: "I am simply a humble creature roaming this world...

...also, I am the magnificent protector of nature!"
Well, that was amazing. Let's get back to the house.
 Samuel: "Wheee! Being a kid is simply delightful!"
 Cora finally got around to finishing Daisy and Violet's portraits.
 So you know what? Say goodbye to the both of them! I am glad to have the house be a little less crowded.
 Lady: "...ahhh...I been holdin' thet a looong time." So I guess Violet leaving unstuck Lady.
 Poor horse. All her needs are completely in the red.
 Minnie: "I was going to vomit in the yard, but now I've lost the urge."
 Daniel is completely adorable.  :)

 Looking at him more, I'm pretty sure he has Minnie's eyes. I hope he's not a clone of her, but even so, he's super cute.
 Davin: "I can't believe we've let Lady be so neglected!" *sob*
 Cora: "I know you've realized that your father isn't with us. I just want you to know that...if your father knew you existed I'm sure he, when you look at the moon, uh, just remember that he looks at the same moon?"
 Samuel: "I think I understand, Ma. Don't worry, I'll be your shooting star. I'm gonna take care of you."
 Social worker: "You've neglected your pets; it's time for me to take them."
You are kind of pretty. Mind if I save you to the sim bin?
 Fine. Be that way.
Ice cream truck: *whistles in the background*
 Acorn: "Buh...buh...I wanted to be a star horse showman thingie! And win lotsa trophies!"
Don't make me cry, Acorn.
 Acorn: "I wasn't neglected! I don't wanna leave!"
 Minnie: "Oh, I'm pregnant!"
Dangit! I forgot to set her pregnancy clothes!

Minnie: "I wish Acorn wasn't taken away; he wasn't even neglected!"

Next time: Another baby! And I will probably get more horses, hopefully some that aren't "litter mates" so they can have babies.  :)

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