Monday, November 14, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Minnie chap. 3.6--1880s

Wild horse: "I's tired!"
Acorn: "Me too!"
Wild horses sleep so cutely! I love this picture.  :)
I've been keeping as healthy as I can for the baby. One morning I washed my hands three times just to be sure. Davin thinks I'm going a little overboard, but better safe than sorry, yeah?
Davin: "If you're so stressed, maybe we could go to the theater! Or go out to eat, if ya'd like. As long as they have grilled cheese I'm happy."
Minnie: "I'll just be glad when I can git back to work. People really aren't comfortable with a pregnant woman bashing down their walls, even though I assured them that I'm perfectly capable."
Davin: "And I thank them fer their discomfort and fer calling the police when ya wouldn't leave their property."
Should I be worried that Acorn just soiled himself and vegetables are now falling out of his mouth?
Acorn: "You should concern yerself with teh un-texturized gate!"
Duly noted, Acorn.
Minnie: "There is a sharp pain coming from my stomach."  :)
Davin: "What? Um...are you...
...having the baby?!"
Minnie: "I think so, yes."
Davin: "You are strangely calm!!!"
Minnie: "Let's jus' git to the hospital."
Off to the hospital!

These pictures speak for themselves, really. I have no excuse for you, Davin.Anyway, soon after Davin left, a baby boy was born! He was named Franklin and was born with the loves the outdoors and artistic traits.
Cora: "See? I'm good at holding babies."
Oooh Acorn is up to the "trot" level. Daisy is no less terrified, I see. Anyway, they were off to run in a beginner's racing competition because Acorn wanted to.
And they won!  :D
Lady: "Did you hear sometin'?
Acorn: "Naw, you's just bein' paranoid."
Drinking from a neighbor's pond. This is good. We didn't want friends anyway.

Lady: "Wut?"
Nothing, you're just doing cute horse-y things, so I'm taking pictures.
I know babies are loud things, Davin, but continue. I'll turn the sound down.

Violet! I don't remember why you were at the salon but go meet this guy who's standing outside!
Violet: "Are ya sure about this?"
Just say hello. Couldn't hurt, right?
Fail, I didn't get a picture of his face.  DX  I must have been too distracted by all the BIRTHDAYS!!!
First is Samuel.
He looks a lot like his dad, I think. But he got Cora's hair color.
Davin: "I'm lifting weights without the weights!"  :D
No, you're having your birthday.  :(
Davin: "Hey, I still look good!"
Can't really tell from this picture, but, yeah, after I gave him a makeover he still looks pretty good.
And last is Minnie.
Minnie:  O_O

Minnie: "This is good, huh? I'm older..."
I feel like if I had Generations you would be having a midlife crisis right now. So I'm glad you are not wishing to divorce Davin, or move across town, or something crazy like that.  :D

Bit shorter chapter because Minnie grew up. Next time is the start of the 1890s (I feel like that's going to be a looong decade). And more babies? Yes.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Minnie chap. 3.5--1880s

 It turns out that the pollution in Twinbrook is much worse than anyone realized. It was so bad that the town had to be evacuated until "further notice". Most everybody in town decided to move out for good. Our land was near worthless, but we packed our furniture, and we still get royalties from Pa's books, so I think we came out pretty well.
We decided to move to Appaloosa Plains, a country town in the Midwest.
Yes, the Carsons have moved to Appaloosa Plains.  :D

Here is the new Carson house/lot! There was already a 64x64 lot in the town, so yay! Let's look at the yard first:
Here is the party/recreational area.
Here is a closer view of the graveyard. On the left there are DeAndre Wolf and Caroline Carson--she died at Daisy and Violet's birthday party.
Here is the horse stable area. It's the 1880s, they've gotta have horses! BTW, I have no experience with horses, so I don't know if it looks accurate or not, but I like it.
Here is a front view of the house. I actually really like it.  :)
On the first floor we have the parlor, dining room, kitchen, a bathroom, and a painting room. The big empty room on the right will be the nursery.
On the second floor is another bathroom and all the bedrooms. You can tell I didn't try with Cora, Daisy, and Violet's rooms.  :P

Violet: "You're sending me and Daisy to buy horses? What, you think you can make us take care of horses now?"
Actually, I can make you take care of horses. But c'mon, you'll probably love it!
Daisy: "Sitting majestically on a horse. This would make a great picture."
Yes it does.  :)
Just pretend you didn't see these horses before in the stable picture.  ;)
The horse on the left is a boy named Acorn, the horse on the right is a girl named Lady (I just kept the names they already had because I'm lazy). I thought maybe we could have some foals, but then I saw this:
They're siblings? Eh, maybe I'll just breed Lady through the Equestrian Center.
Everyone is getting settled in to Appaloosa Plains. Cora's first wish was to learn a fishing skill, so I sent her to the beach/river. Her next wishes were about catching minnows and goldfish, which I ignored.
Davin here autonomously cooked macaroni and cheese, and it didn't burn, so he has volunteered to be our new chef! I haven't introduced him yet, so here are his traits: athletic, great kisser, light sleeper, vehicle enthusiast, and virtuoso. His LTW is to Be A Superstar Athlete.
Minnie: "Hmm, what shall I do here. It's like a blank canvas!!"
Sofia Carlton: "I don't know about that rug..."
Look behind you! It's the most expensive stereo in my game! That's good for something, right?
Minnie: "I hope she doesn't smell--"
Sofia: "Daaang what's that smell?!"
Oh well, still got a good review.  :D
Cora? Why'd you leave work?
Cora: "I've been feeling nauseous lately and today my back has been sore so I thought I would jus' come out for some fresh air."
Cora: "Oh! I'm pregnant..."
~Horse Interruption!~
Lady: "We's horses!"
Acorn: "I LIKE LEAVES!!!"
Minnie: "So what did ya want to talk about, Cora?"
Cora: "Well, I don't know how you're gonna take this, but...I'm with child. I'm going to have a baby."
Minnie: "You mean...before we left--you and Edmund--?"
Cora: "No, it--it wasn't Edmund. Do ya remember the night Ma died?"
Minnie: "Of course. That was the day me and Davin married."
Cora: "Well, I had just gotten off work when I heard the news of Ma's passing..."
~Flashback Time!~
I was really upset. I mean, Pa and Ma passed away in such a short time, it was overwhelming. An' all of a sudden I wanted to see Christopher. So I went over to his house an' when I saw him I jus' burst into tears.
Then I said I was sorry for barging in like that, and after seeing how upset I was, he said he'd best make sure I got home all right. When we got back to the house, I thought it was rude to jus' send him back, so I invited him in for a minute. Do ya remember that we were moving Grandmother's bed out of her old room? Well it was late and I was getting tired, so I sat down on it--
Minnie: "Suuure."
Cora: "What? I really was tired!"
Anyway, I sat down, then Chris came and sat beside me. And then he kissed me. I was surprised, but I was glad he did. He pulled back and started to say sorry...

...but I said, don't be sorry, and pulled him over to me--
Minnie: "Alright, alright! I get it!"
Minnie: "Where is Christopher now?"
Cora: "After Twinbrook was evacuated, I think he headed west. I don't know exactly where he was going; I don't think he even knew where he would end up."
Minnie: "Well, I don't know what ya expect, but I'm not gonna turn you out or anythin' like that. I jus' hope the people here are more accepting than the people of Twinbrook would have been."
Hey, how about we get started on some kids that can actually continue the legacy?
Minnie: "Oh Davin, you're so handsome when you rake hay."

Deer: "That is a really big haystack. I mean, is that even necessary--? Wait, what are they doing?! OH--Oh my...I hate you! I hate you and your sims!!"
*a few hours later*
Minnie: "Oh no--I think I'm going to--
--be sick! Mmf!"
*a few more hours later*
Minnie: "Oh! I'm going to have a baby!"
Yesss! The fourth generation is upon us! Stupid phone ruining the moment.  >:I
Violet: "Ugh! There are a bunch of dirty dishes in here!"
Aren't you forgetting something? Like work?!
Seriously, Violet. Sometimes your absent-mindedness goes too far. One time your bladder was getting low and when you got to the bathroom you forgot what you were doing!
Violet: "Ya know you love me."
Yeah, yeah. Get to work!
Cora: "Oh no..."
Cora: "Oof! Minnie?! Minnie get in here!!!"
Minnie: "What is it?!"
Cora: "Now stay calm. I'm having the baby."
Minnie: "Are you serious? Is it painful?!"
Cora: "Of course it is!"
Minnie: *sobs* "I found out this morning that I'm pregnant! I don't know if I can do this!"
Cora: "I'm having a baby, I can't really worry about you right now!"
Minnie: "Are ya sure we need babies? It's not like you are doing very well with this legacy anyway..."
Hey! Watch it or I'll give you fertility treatment--!
Cora: "It's a boy!
Samuel Carson was born with the clumsy and grumpy traits. Great, a grumpy baby.  -_-
Daisy: "How do ya expect me to climb up on this horse while I'm wearing such a long skirt?"
I'll be just as happy if you fall down. That could be pretty funny.  XD
Daisy: "Huh?! Alright girl, jus' stay still so I don't fall down."
Lady:  -_-
Ice cream!
Minnie: "This paparazzi is in my way!"
Ugh, I wish the celebrity stars hadn't carried over in the move.
Cora: "I'll have the fudge popsicle."

Minnie: "Five choices, huh? What to choose, what to choose..."
I'm glad you don't live in the modern world where there's a bazillion choices of food anywhere you eat.
Minnie: "What are you saying? Of course I live in the modern world!"
To you, maybe.  :P
Cora, I can just tell that you are going to be a great mother. Now turn him over because I think the blood may be rushing to his head...
Cora: "Shut your mouth! You know I'm only holding him like this because you haven't replaced this CC crib yet!"
You know what? I'm starting to think that Cora is really pretty. Maybe I've just gotten used to her nose.
Cora: "Maybe it's because I AM really pretty."
Whatever, Cora.

Minnie: "Davin, you're home!"
Davin: "Yeah! Hey, you're walking differently than usual."
Minnie: "Yes, I have something to tell you. We're going to have a baby!"
Davin: "Really? That's great!"
Minnie: "I don't know what I'm going to do, though. Since Cora had her baby I've been really worried, and, anyway, I don't think people will like me working on their houses while I'm pregnant--"
Davin: "Hey, calm down. Everything will be alright. Having some time away from work will be good for you."
Aw, I think Minnie's neurotic trait is getting to her.

Ok, I'll end the chapter here. Next time we'll see the fourth generation!