Monday, April 18, 2011

Lillian Mint chap. 7--Daddy Wasn't There

Yes!!! I have the game running again! And look at this:
Generations is official! And memories!!! I hope they're included in the update! If not, I may have to buy this EP. Back to simming...

Lillian Mint #1: Week 5, days 2-4

Oooohh cool!!!
 Lillian #1 also gets a new wardrobe now that she's an adult. I love her formal clothes  ^_^
 And whoa I love the effect vampirism has on her purple eyes!
Oh yeah!
 Lillian: "Err...should he be out?"
Tomas: "Cori!!! Why...WHY?!!!"
Lillian: " do you like my new look?"
Billy: " makes your skin glow. And your eyes seem brighter! And your teeth are sharper!"
*Awkward dancing*
Lillian: "Vampire powers!! Mwahahaha!!" *stares at crotch*
Lillian: "Let's go to a party!"
Billy: "Hey, wait up! You're unusually fast!"
Both: "I'm bored of you."
Lillian: "I will learn that hot guy's traits! Mwahaha--ow my knee!"
Lillian: "Hmph! I was not expecting that trait."
I forgot what trait it was D:
Lillian: "You will think of me!"
Hot guy: "We should be friends!"
Lillian: "You know those juice packs that vampires drink? They're actually quite tasty."
Partygoer: "Aaagghh! Am I the only one who realizes she's a vampire?!"
Pilot Inspektor is an adult! Still awesome.
Lillian: "Hey...why'd you get up? I was coming to sit with you."
You again! Get your Christmas boxers out of my shot!
Pilot Inspektor: "I like you."
Pilot: "I hate you! Why would I want to make out?!"
Pilot: "Eww no!"
Lillian: "What? Why not?"
Pilot: "Changed my mind. I like you." *stares*
Lillian: "I don't get it! This is making me tired! And thirsty!"
Billy: "Are you sure this is ok?"
Lillian: "Yes, but you can't tell anyone. Got it?"
Billy: *gulp*
Lillian: "Ooh that was better than I thought it'd be."
Billy: "That wasn't so bad I guess. Do I need a bandaid or something?"
Pilot: "That seems a little extreme. I'm sure nachos would have worked just as well, but whatever...blood works too."
I found out something! Apparently, vegetarian sims are also "vegetarian" vampires. Lillian later felt nauseous from her "carnivorous" behavior. I think that's pretty neat  :)  err...not the nauseous part.
Lillian: "I much prefer plasma packs." ^,..,^
Hmm...I'm sure Lillian unclogging the toilet seemed funny at the time...guess you just had to be there :/
The other Mints are at the park!
Ohmigosh Lillian! Why are you wearing those shoes?!
Lillian #2: "IDK, they like 'em at work."
Jon Lessen: "Aw sweet! Another vampire!!!"
Lillian: "Bell pepper plants weren't ready to be harvested." :(  *looks longingly at flowers* " I wish I could grow you!"
Lillian: "Why would you send a vampire to garden during the day?!"
They really needed it, and I was hoping the burning was only at noon? Or something?
Lillian: "The sun! I'm melting! I'm frying!"

Lillian Mint #2: Week 5, days 5-7

Virgil: "Yay! It's our turn!"
Forgetting to add outside wallpaper FTW! Wait, what?
Virgil: "I've learned to make party drinks!"
You think so? Have a drink then!
Virgil: "Aaackk! Alright, I get it!"
Lillian: "Oh Don, we are such great friends. Yes, Virgil is very fit."
Virgil attempts to connect with his son.
Virgil: "'re my son?" *minus 10 from mood*
Micah: "Yep, we're related. You can tell by the weird hair roots that got passed down."
This is Cori's partner at work. He's a vampire. I want to get them together. They have a really close relationship, but everytime they are out or he comes over, he leaves after only a few minutes. And dang it, I forgot his name!
Cori's partner: "Virgil sucks! Why am I here? Leaving!"
I built this pool because Cori wanted to skinny dip with her partner  -_-  Oh well, I still like it.
Lillian: "No! No splashing in the pool, Micah!"
Micah: "Don't have to be so harsh..."
Liza: "Yes! I won! Take that, Lillian!"
Lillian: "How could I lose?"
Round two!
Virgil & Liza: "That's enough pool time."
Lillian: "Best two out of three?"
Liza: "No."
Liza being in her swimsuit makes me realize how much weight she's lost. She's been working out for her job, since she will need athletic eventually. Looking good!
Liza has been nuaseous all day. Are you--?
Why are you in the culinary career?
Liza: "Soo Dad. Do we still have those baby bottles?"
Virgil: "We are such good friends."
Liza: "Are you listening? I'm pregnant!"
Virgil did not take the news well.
Virgil: "How did this happen? Doesn't it conflict with your good trait?!"
Liza: "But Daaaad! You did the exact same thing not even two weeks ago!"
Wow Liza looks so pretty here.
Liza: "I know what would make me feel better."  >:)
Virgil: "Hymph. She knows I don't like children."
Does she now? Hmm four kids...
Liza: "Yes! I just blew a bunch of money at the spa!"
Liza: " good."  0:)
And who is the baby's daddy you might ask?
Liza: "Do you have a teddy bear? I think babies like them."
It's Hal Breckinridge!
Hal: "I'm Hal Breckinridge, and I approve this pregnancy."
Liza: "I'm so glad we're together for this."  <3
Brendan: "Good thing we're too cheap to afford art!"
Liza: "Brendan, I told Dad about needing baby bottles, and he was totally disapproving! We're BFF's, what do you think?"
Brendan: "As long as he/she isn't artistic, you have my support!"
Liza: "This place is disgusting! How will I raise a baby?!"
Always. Crying.
Liza: "I want to garden!"
Seriously, suddenly my pregnant sims want to do random things during their pregnancies...
Good thing someone remembers to feed Antoinette. What? The game gave that name and I like it  :)
Micah: "Woot! It's my birthday! I get to see the Llamas vs. Wombats!"
Only because it was free.
Lillian: "Oh, crap! Virgil wants me to try his drinks! How can I get out of this? Say I feel sick? I probably will feel sick after this!"
Virgil: "They're ready!"
Lillian: *gulp*
Virgil: *yawn* "So what do you think? I'm sure it's atleast as good as my cooking!"
Lillian: "Bleh! sure is, sweetie..."
Brendan: "Dad's mixing drinks? Crap I picked the wrong time to step outside."
Cori: "I hope you don't run away this time."
This is Brendan's girlfriend, Charlene Grisby, who is still a teenager. Oh, and a vampire. She and Lillian seem to be getting along pretty well.
Lillian: "Look at you! You're like a mythical creature!"
Charlene: "Oh Mrs. Mint, you are too funny!" *shifty eyes*
Lillian: "LOL wouldn't that be crazy!"
 Liza: "Don't judge me!"
Since Micah is shy, I didn't have a real party for him. Just invited Cori's partner, Charlene, and Hal.
Micah: "Yay! Dad will love me now!"
Micah: "I am a little iffy about this."
Cori's partner: "Anybody need saving? I am strong!"

You're a little late, Hal.
Hal: "I've been standing by the mailbox for two hours!"

Aww look at Micah!
Hal: "Oooh child! When you gonna be decorating this house?!"
Liza: "Hal, I'm pretty sure the baby's coming tonight. You should stay over."
Notice in the background Lillian feels betrayed.
Lillian: "Ohmigosh Hal! How could you do this to me? No calls in three weeks, and then you show up here and are romantically involved with my pregnant stepdaughter?"
Hal: " hard feelings?"
Lillian: "My fist will show you a hard feeling!"
Liza: *seems not to notice* "I'm so glad Hal is here. I'm getting tired."
Liza: "Oh. Hold that thought. The baby is coming!"
Cori: "That radio is really loud...

...wait, no; it's Liza's screams that are so loud!"
Hal and Liza eventually went to the hospital.

Brendan: "Did I just walk in on my sister in the shower?! I may throw up!"
Cori: "Ohmigosh Brendan! You are so annoying! I'm embarassed!"
Brendan: "Believe me, I am too!"
Notice Hal in the passenger seat.
Liza: "C'mon Hal, it's time for bed."
Hal: "Actually, the floor is looking pretty good right now."

He made it to bed, though. I bought this bed for them and temporarily moved Cori to Brendan's room.
Cori: "'s the last day! I'll have to sleep in his room untill you get back?!"
That's right.  >:)
Creepy fact: it's the same exact bed that Lillian and Virgil have :O
Oh did I forget something? The baby's name is Sam; he is brave & athletic.

Next time: Lillian #1 romances a creeper! And more drama in Lillian #2's house. That, or Cori gets an awesome makeover!

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