Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lillian Mint chap. 5--I caught a fish!

Lillian #1: Week 3, days 4-6
Yaaay I have a bar in Riverview!!! Oh and it was made by chrillsims3   http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3871427
 Lillian: "Is he gonna pee on the floor? The bathrooms are only ten feet away!"
Alright this bar does have a little problem with traffic, but it's still awesome!
 Oooh it's Pilot Inspektor!
Pilot: "I loove meat. I always eat it."
Lillian: "Ahaha I never do...
 ...I usually guilt myself into working out instead."
Pilot: "She. Is. AMAZING!"
Pilot: "Wait, who was that guy standing between us?"
Pilot: "Hah he's got nothing on me. I'm awesome, he's obviously not!"
 Pilot: "I suddenly have a craving for wedding cake!"
 Lillian: "You're really cute, y'know..."
 Pilot: "Aww that's nice of you to say. Of course I know."
 Pilot: "Yes, I know..."
 Lillian: "Ok I'm really tired so I have to go home now....Is he following me again?"
Maybe, maybe not. It's hard to tell.
 The elder vampire paparazzi strikes again!
Lillian: "Ugh she is so in my way!" *taps foot*
 Finally an opportunity that doesn't come on the last day!
Lillian: "Whoa...did it just say...whoa..."
 Lillian: "Hi Billy..." *2am* "Right, yeah...I was asleep."
Lillian: I have had the LONGEST day!"
Haha looks like it! Did your vampire coworkers have something to do with it? Thats right, all three of Lillian's coworkers at the science lab are vampires.
Lillian: "Woot woot! A fishy!"
Haha look how tiny it is!
Lillian: "Well, I only have one skill point. It's a start, anyway."

Lillian Mint #2: Week 3, day 7; week 4, days 1-2
Lillian #2 gets a lot more pictures than #1...there was just a lot more going on and more people to keep up with.
Awww he's just so cute!
Micah: *giggles*
Lillian: "You think that soccer jersey makes you athletic? Ha! Look at me!"
Cori: "Erm...where's my dad?"
 Virgil: "Is our paperboy a child?! I don't like them..."
Seriously how did you end up with four kids?
Virgil: "Oooh look Cori is a young adult now! That's an age group I can approve of!"
Because you're sooo mature...
 Cori: "Yep, I'm all grown up now! Dad, I've been hearing some crazy things about you and Lillian. The elder vampire paparazzi pretty much has a whole article dedicated to you!"
 Virgil: "I've been thinking about that, Cori. I don't want you to hear about me from the paper. You, Liza, and Brendan should move in with me and Lillian. With the money from the old house, we could build a big expansion and be together."
 Cori: "Wow that sounds great to me, Dad! I'll call Liza and Brendan and tell them to pack up!"
 Virgil: "Brendan is a teenager now, right?"
 Liza: "Daddy!!!"
Virgil: "Don't tell anyone, but you're my favorite <3"
They all moved in and brought §​2,000 with them. Wait, only 2,000 simoleons? But their house alone
was worth §20,000! Atleast Virgil had a bunch of Big Lemons in his backpack, so I was able to get 10,000 simoleons out of them to expand the house. And they all got makeovers!
Cori: "My makeover is much better than yours, Dad."
Micah: "Nooo mines da best! Imma diamon' in teh ruff!"
Micah: "You need ta work out more iff you wanna win dis pretty contest!"
Brendan: "Oh shut up your just a baby!"
Liza: "Yeah, right. My makeover is obviously the best! Just look at me! The perfect amount of cuteness and maturity."
Butterfly: *poops*
Liza: "Ewww this is why I shouldn't talk to bugs!"
Look a random guy playing my guitar! And Don Lothario! It's a party!
Lana's dancing with Cori's boyfriend Tomas!
Lol he must be a loser or something...
Virgil: "Hey you guys! Look over here! It's my birthday!!!"
Virgil: "Oh yeah I just get hotter!"
Don: "Why am I here? Ugh I need a drink!"
Partygoers: "Booo! We don't like you, Tomas! Your name is spelled unusually! Boo!"
What the heck, Lana! You were just dancing with him!
Lillian: "Ahaha you should just go home to bed."
Tomas: "Fine I was just leaving."
Sure you were.
Umm you're a little late, Hunter Cottoneye. The party started two hours ago and everyone's leaving now.
Hunter: "What can I say, I'm an elder now. Just let me have a drink."
Lillian: "Don stop crying! Of course we can be friends!"
Lillian: "Me and Virgil just have so much more in common. We're both vegetarians, and I garden, it just works together."
I like how story progression sets up couples who have common traits. It's very cute, and seems less random than, well, just being completely random.
Liza: "You're right. Tortilla chips DO go great with salsa!"
Who dislikes children now? Autonomously playing with your son  <3
*minus 10 from mood*
Why are you crying all the time? Is it because you're a loser? And I don't mean that in an insulting kind of way; that actually is one of her traits.
Hey Micah! I put in all the skill building toys for you (finally). You can get started on that!
Micah: "Dis bunny's sooo soft."
Micah: *giggles* "Yay bunny!" *bangs bunny on the floor*
Alrighty, then.
Brendan: "Hey Liza! Did you hear that Cori has a logic skill point? What a geek!"
Liza: "Hahaha oh stop it, Brendan. Don't be mean to our sister! heehee"
Wow that was fast. Cori got the skill point right as they gossiped about it.
Cori: "My favorite color is green."
Tomas: "My favorite color is purple."
Elder vampire paparazzi: "Oooh interesting."
Lillian: "Woot woot! It's my birthday!"
 Brendan: "Is she in her underwear?"
Liza: "Ick this is awkward...why were we in here?"
 Brendan: "The sparkles don't make it less awkward."
 Brendan: "I guess I'll cheer for her anyway."
Liza: "No Brendan! Just be quiet and maybe she won't notice us!"
Lillian: "I'm an adult?! I'm old! I feel instantly tired!"
Brendan: "Sooo anyways...you wanna be best friends forever?"
Liza: "Duh! Like, totally!"
 Micah: "What's da point of dis?
Well, it looks cute!
Micah: "Deese wheels won't work!"
Cori: "Smoochy?"
Tomas: "What gives you the idea that I'd want to kiss you?!"
Cori: "But...you're my boyfriend?"
 Elder vampire paparazzi: "Just being rejected by her own boyfriend, and now just dancing. I guess there's nothing to see here."
That's a goldfish?!
Lillian: "Haha I finally got one skill point!"
Hey you can already read? You are a genius baby!!!
Paparazzi: "Ohmigosh it's Virgil Darnell! I am soo starstruck!"
Did elder vampire paparazzi die?
Liza: "Aw yeah I got a job at the spa!"
Liza: "Hello random person! I'm so excited I just had to tell somebody...I have a job at the spa!"
Robbie: "Wow I'm so glad to see a young person take on that responsibility! This will be a great experience for you!"
Liza: "So where do you work?"
Robbie: "Eh, I'm unemployed. Having a job just doesn't appeal to me."
That's right! Dance, you dancing fools! I will see my sims get to the "club dance" level, I will!
Yes, keep dancing! Build that skill! I wanna see cool dancing, and not these lame moves!
Oooh you've chosen logic. Maybe you'll be a doctor someday!
Micah: "Deese blocks won't do what I say! Aaarrgghh!!!"
Micah: "Take dat! You luk lak a cucumber!"
See? You're not a bad father, after all.
*minus 10 from mood*
Lillian: "Owww I just got a headache. I think someone just accused me of peeing in public! That is so not true! I will fight it to the death!! But first...
...y'know, it just feels weird now that there's a bunch of kids in the house. I really should clean up my image!"
Lillian: "I won."
Lillian: "I just noticed it's 4am. Hmm I could have done this in the morning...who holds court at 4am anyway?"

Next time: Will Pilot Inspektor stop being a creeper? Will the Darnells be one big, happy family?

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