Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jagged Ice Introduction

So I've decided to try another story/rambling with Sims for this blog. Here are the Sims:
Carrie Regent is a Bookworm, Easily Impressed, has a Good Sense of Humor, is a Hopeless Romantic, and Shy. Her Lifetime Wish is to be a Distinguished Director.
 Cinna Windsor is Athletic, Flirty, Hot-Headed, Over-Emotional, and a Snob. Her Lifetime Wish is to be Living in the Lap of Luxury.

Rick Tidal is Athletic, a Bookworm, Charismatic, has a Good Sense of Humor, and is a Great Kisser. His Lifetime Wish is to be a Firefighter Super Hero.

This will be a sort of experiment. I am going to see where their lives take them. They will be given nearly total control. The only times that I will control them will be to:

  • Fulfill wants.
  • Work towards their Lifetime Wish.
  • Fulfill their needs if they fall into the red.
So wherever their lives go, it will be up to the Sims.

BTW my original idea for these Sims was that the girls would probably end up fighting over Rick, so the first household name I could think of for them was "Jagged Ice". And that's where the title comes from.

Also BTW I won't be posting updates here for my random legacy. I figure by now that anyone who wants to keep up with them can get to it themselves. There is a link somewhere to the right below my blog list.  --->
That said, here is the latest chapter, but if you really want to keep up with it, go there and subscribe!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Random Legacy chapter 1.5--go read!

Chapter 1.5 is posted! I hope you enjoy it at least as much as Cookie enjoys his homework.

Read here.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New blog!

Heeeelloooo there! I have created the new blog for my random legacy. BTW if you haven't heard of it before, the random legacy challenge is found here. Anyway, my random legacy blog is here. There is only one short post so far, but I'll probably be updating again tonight or tomorrow. Bye!!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Ok. So about two weeks ago, my laptop went screwy (*cough* sketchy downloads *cough* my fault). Point is, it wouldn't work at all, so Windows had to be re-installed. I lost everything. I have some Sims 3 saves on a flashdrive that are something around half a year old, but I really don't feel like going back and playing the Carsons again.  :(
Basically, I am not going to continue the Carson family, but I do plan to start another historical legacy sometime. In the meantime, I've been dabbling in Showtime:
 My DJ Sim, Talia.
And Will Wright??! I see what you did there. Maxis still not involved in The Sims 3, though, EA.

Anyway, I'm sure this is all very uninteresting to whoever may have stumbled across this post, but I have started a random legacy. This legacy will have its own blog, but I will post updates here when they happen so that no one is too inconvenienced (conveniently!).
I hope you will keep checking back here for updates and stuff, it will be fun, promise!  :D

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Carson Legacy: Minnie chap. 3.11--1890s

How long has it been? Way too long, right?
Nellie: "Riiiigghhht!"
Clyde: "M-mama?"
I know it's been too long when one of my horses is stuck in the ground...Anyway, as I said, we are having a birthday party for Franklin!
Oh, uh, hi Daisy...
Daisy: "I know I wasn't invited, but I came anyway, so deal with it. I'm here to steal some cake."
Kerri Bedlington, now a teenager, brings the salad.
Kerri: "Why of course, Franklin is one of my best friends; I had to bring something!"
After the celebrity gushing is over...
 ...Franklin makes it to his cake.
 That teenage boy (forget his name) reminds me of Shark.
As one generation spins into the next stage...
...another generation passes on.
The same face, for one a birthday, for the other a deathday.
Davin examines his now ghost-like body.
Daniel notices a disturbance immediately.
Franklin, however, is too caught up in celebrations to notice.
Kerri: "No wonder your mother is an architect, Franklin. You really do have a very nice house."
Why thank you, Kerri, I designed it.
Franklin: "Why thank you, Kerri, I appreciate you coming out for my birthday."
Susie, isn't that your pee?!!
Susie: "I yam distraught! Normal rules don't apply!!"
Franklin, now the "man" of the house (Samuel doesn't count!), takes up teaching Ernest how to talk.
Speaking of case you were in suspense from his birthday last chapter, here he is with a makeover. Not too shabby.
Daniel copes with his father's death by playing up his artistic trait. Careful, Daniel, or you'll be the new painter.
Franklin attempts to cheer up Minnie.
Minnie: "Ah, Franklin...ya really do look so alike your father..."
Franklin: "I'm here for you Ma."
Well this chapter is depressing. How about another birthday?
This one is of the horse variety.

Majestic horse!
On the subject of horses, I've noticed that we've got a new gnome! Lol that beard.
Susie: "'m so hungry! Where is that woman?!"
Minnie: "That dang dog is stinkin' up my room! I don't know how Davin convinced me she would be good fer the boys..."
Minnie: *sigh* "Jus' git outta here you dirty dog!"
Susie: "Heh, tha's right, there was food in ma bowl this whole time..."
Hmm...that stink really should be taken care of.
Susie: "I like it this way, doncha know!!!"
Ah, Susie is a slob.
What's the problem, Cora? She's just a little dog.
Cora: "Ya know she's ferocious! I am not washing her!"
Stray cat: "Nice house you got here...
"...pretty please?"
Really is a cute cat, except for that bizarre episode. Nah, I don't think I'll be taking in any more animals at the moment.
Franklin: "Glad ya could make it over, Kerri."
Kerri: "I am too, you know I love to see you."
You two are going to be totally cute together.
Kerri: "Uhm...I can hear you. And I agree."  :)
O_O  Only my own simmies are supposed to be able to hear me...
Franklin: "I jus' wanted to talk, you know...And I was wondering, has anyone been calling on you?"
Kerri: "Well no, not yet anyhow."
Franklin: "That is great! I mean, I was jus' wondering, we are friends and all."
Kerri: "...oh. There wasn't anything else?"
Franklin: "Naw, see you at school!"

How about ending this chapter the same way it began: birthday party!
Now it's Daniel's...
 ...and Ernest's turn.

Daisy showed up again...don't remember if I invited her this time or not. And I don't know where Violet could be.
Minnie had a moment of grief. I would imagine she's sad that Davin isn't there for his children's birthdays.  :(
Here is Daniel as a teenager. Unfortunately I can't remember what trait he got.
Aaaaand here's Ernest. Isn't he the cutest?  :D
Ernest: "Glasses?"
I think they fit you.
Ernest: "Hymph."
The party went pretty well. Why aren't you smiling, Quiana?
Quiana: "What? But I am smiling..."
Eeeehhh and I will give you a makeover the next time I see you.
Charles was at the party and he made this face!  :D
Ernest: "Yay! Cake for breakfast!"
Did Ernest already have the clumsy trait? Well he has it now, and he tripped not once...
 ...but twice on the way to his new bed.

Ernest: "Uhhh can you stop following now? I'm going to bed..."
Sure, sure. Go ahead. I'll just be watching Susie or something. Somebody needs to watch her actually...

Well I haven't played much past this, so I don't really know what will happen in the next chapter. I can imagine I'll just be trying to grow these kids up and move on to the next decade, but you should totally come back for that. I'll make it interesting.  :D  See you next time!