Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Minnie chap. 3.7--1890s

It has been a while, hasn't it? School finals and all that; I've not been playing Sims much as of late, but let's get on with this chapter:
Now that I'm an adult, I feel the need to work a bit harder and put more effort into my career. I love Davin and Franklin, but I also love designing houses. I can make time for all of them.
Kenji: "I don't recall inviting you to my party. In fact, I don't think I even know you at all!"
Daisy: "Fine, I'm leaving. BUT you are now in my relationship panel."  :)
Wild horse! And I think Jasper and Wei are trying to escape back there.
Why do horses need a censor when dogs and cats don't...? And anyway, he wasn't wearing clothes before, so I don't see how peeing requires this--

Grumpy face!  :D
Stray cat: "I can live in yo howse?"
Cora: *kicks through door*
Stray cat: "Derr...neva mind..."
Incoming baby!
Franklin grows up!
Oddly, he and Samuel both have the same hair color. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! *ahem* He seems to have Davin's face and lips, with possibly Minnie's/Jasper's/Elizabeth's nose.
Davin loooves to cook. I think I have overestimated his actual ability, though.
C'mon, Cora! You're my brave sim!
Violet: "Fire! I was going to brush Lady but now I'm not!"
Acorn: "There is a fire in the howse durrr..."
You're not even looking in the right window, Acorn.

Violet: "I just came in to see the fire, but...not that impressive honestly."
Cora: "You put it out, then!"
Violet: "Nope, I'm tired. And I have to work in the morning."
So does Cora, but whatever.
Acorn: "Erm...Lady hasn't left thet spot...not e'en to eat 'r drink."
Lady has been stuck since the fire. I think this is because Violet ran off while brushing Lady was in her queue. I have not been able to reset her, and I'm afraid of the social worker pet taker-away person coming to get her and taking Acorn too, so I've been cheating her mood up.
Anyway, toddler skills are much more important.
Also, this play table.
Daisy: "This horse is a little stinky..."
*cheats up mood*
Daisy: "She won't move! Does this mean we can't have generations of horses alongside of the generations of humans?"
I should buy another girl horse mare again, then we can have baby horsies foals!  :D
Cora: "Eat at your restaurant so paparazzi will see? I don't have time for celebrity jazz anymore, even if my simmer would let me!"
Samuel:  :)
Never mind that Minnie was playing the piano fine earlier, Jasper just has to be different.
Jasper: "I'm a ghost, floating through things is all I have."  :,(
A-ha! I caught you!

Acorn: "Raccoon in my pathway!"
Wow, I've never seen a sim think of two things at once!
Minnie: "I'm pregnant, but I really want to get back to work. People are so silly with their maternity leaves!"
Minnie: "I'm in incredible pain but I don't want the baby to be born into a stressful environment." *forced grin*
That worked for about five seconds...
Minnie: "HOSPITAL!"

Minnie: "Outta the way!!"
Daisy: "You're having the baby?!" *walks into door*

~Horse interruption!~
Acorn: "Skedaddle...ya shore are purrrty!"
Skedaddle Darnell: *ignores and pees*
Once again, Davin is a coward of a husband and father.

Anyway, here we have another beautiful baby boy! He is named Daniel and was born with the artistic and easily impressed traits. Why are you making that face, Minnie?
Minnie: "Face? What face?"
It seems that now that she is an adult, Minnie just has a permanent frown.

Next post I may try to have some kind of Christmas special, that could be fun to get me back into simming. See you then if you've not given up on me! Ahaha...but really, I'll update again this week.  :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Carson Legacy: Minnie chap. 3.6--1880s

Wild horse: "I's tired!"
Acorn: "Me too!"
Wild horses sleep so cutely! I love this picture.  :)
I've been keeping as healthy as I can for the baby. One morning I washed my hands three times just to be sure. Davin thinks I'm going a little overboard, but better safe than sorry, yeah?
Davin: "If you're so stressed, maybe we could go to the theater! Or go out to eat, if ya'd like. As long as they have grilled cheese I'm happy."
Minnie: "I'll just be glad when I can git back to work. People really aren't comfortable with a pregnant woman bashing down their walls, even though I assured them that I'm perfectly capable."
Davin: "And I thank them fer their discomfort and fer calling the police when ya wouldn't leave their property."
Should I be worried that Acorn just soiled himself and vegetables are now falling out of his mouth?
Acorn: "You should concern yerself with teh un-texturized gate!"
Duly noted, Acorn.
Minnie: "There is a sharp pain coming from my stomach."  :)
Davin: "What? Um...are you...
...having the baby?!"
Minnie: "I think so, yes."
Davin: "You are strangely calm!!!"
Minnie: "Let's jus' git to the hospital."
Off to the hospital!

These pictures speak for themselves, really. I have no excuse for you, Davin.Anyway, soon after Davin left, a baby boy was born! He was named Franklin and was born with the loves the outdoors and artistic traits.
Cora: "See? I'm good at holding babies."
Oooh Acorn is up to the "trot" level. Daisy is no less terrified, I see. Anyway, they were off to run in a beginner's racing competition because Acorn wanted to.
And they won!  :D
Lady: "Did you hear sometin'?
Acorn: "Naw, you's just bein' paranoid."
Drinking from a neighbor's pond. This is good. We didn't want friends anyway.

Lady: "Wut?"
Nothing, you're just doing cute horse-y things, so I'm taking pictures.
I know babies are loud things, Davin, but continue. I'll turn the sound down.

Violet! I don't remember why you were at the salon but go meet this guy who's standing outside!
Violet: "Are ya sure about this?"
Just say hello. Couldn't hurt, right?
Fail, I didn't get a picture of his face.  DX  I must have been too distracted by all the BIRTHDAYS!!!
First is Samuel.
He looks a lot like his dad, I think. But he got Cora's hair color.
Davin: "I'm lifting weights without the weights!"  :D
No, you're having your birthday.  :(
Davin: "Hey, I still look good!"
Can't really tell from this picture, but, yeah, after I gave him a makeover he still looks pretty good.
And last is Minnie.
Minnie:  O_O

Minnie: "This is good, huh? I'm older..."
I feel like if I had Generations you would be having a midlife crisis right now. So I'm glad you are not wishing to divorce Davin, or move across town, or something crazy like that.  :D

Bit shorter chapter because Minnie grew up. Next time is the start of the 1890s (I feel like that's going to be a looong decade). And more babies? Yes.