Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Carson Legacy: Minnie chap. 3.9--1890s

 Last time I discovered that Daniel may be the cutest toddler EVER (in my game). Franklin is fighting back, but his birthday is coming up soon, so his toddler cuteness is almost over.
Franklin: "'m cute too!"
Not as cute as Daniel.
With all my pregnancies, I have not been able to work in quite a long time and I'm beginning to feel very cooped up in the house...I wonder if this window is in the right spot for optimal sunlight...
 This girl, Eva Fox, came home from school with Samuel one day.
Eva: "Entertain me."
Samuel: "Err...wanna play SimGnubb?"
Paparazzi: "Cora Carson's son?!" *stares*
Samuel: *gains stars*
The SimGnubb area looks quite pretty at night.
Cute! One of her parents must be in the military.
And here it is; Franklin growing up.
Franklin: "Unlucky? UNLUCKY?!"
He's so unlucky got unlucky as a trait. That's how unlucky he is...heh.
Anyways, now that Franklin is a child, he and Samuel will share a room (and Samuel's bed is moved out of the hallway).
Daniel: *licks* "Hmmm..."
Daniel: *scarfs*
Wow, that muffin is your first one, and it's decent.
Wha--where'd it go?!  >:I
Franklin: "Eh, I'm gonna go play on the rocking horse."
But wait! You have interactions with your brother now!
The limited interactions between them make up for it by being so extremely cute.
Like Franklin, Daniel was taught to walk.
And talk. Pics because he's cute.
He was also potty trained, but I'll spare you those pics (not that there are any).
Samuel: "After this homework we should visit the theater in town; I heard they have moving pictures!"
Franklin: "No no...those moving pictures are dangerous; Ma said so!"
Minnie: "That's right sweetie!"
Franklin: "Let's go tomorrow!"
Ha, that reminds me of my mom always saying to keep away from the microwave so we wouldn't get radiation poisoning.  :P
Franklin: "We should go! Someday we could be famous actors!"
Daniel: "I'mma play too!"
Franklin: "Go away, Daniel!"
Minnie: "Davin, I think it's time."
Davin: "Time for what?"
Minnie: "The baby!"
Davin: "Wha--when did ya get pregnant?!"
Minnie: "Err...I know I never 'told' you, but could ya really not tell?!"  -_-
Samuel: "Is Aunt Minnie having the baby?!"
Yeah, I'm just gonna say Samuel knew while Davin was completely clueless.
Minnie: "The stork's coming! Hospital please!"
Minnie: "No no Samuel...see? I'm smiling. Everything is alright."
Samuel: *scarred for life*
Do I even need to say that Davin didn't go in with her?
The baby boy that Minnie is kind of smothering there is named Ernest. He was born with the clumsy and light sleeper traits.

Before I end this chapter:

The Carsons have a new horse! It is a mare named Nellie.

And I bred her through the riding center! So next time will be a cute foal. Also birthdays. Lots of birthdays.